Adult health Nursing-I Solved past papers- 2019

Q1) Explain Strategies for managing patient with urinary stress incontinence

Ans :- The nurse instructs the patient to:

1)Avoid bladder irritants, such as caffeine, alcohol, and aspartame (NutraSweet).

2)Avoid taking diuretic agents after 4 pm.

3)increased awareness of the amount and timing of all fluid intake.

4)Perform all pelvic floor muscle exercises as prescribed, every day.

5)Stop smoking (smokers usually cough frequently, which increases incontinence).

6)Take steps to avoid constipation: Drink adequate fluids, eat a well-balanced diet high in fiber, exercise regularly, and take stool softeners if recommended.

7)Void regularly, 5–8 times a day (about every 2–3 hours):

  • First thing in the morning
  • Before each meal
  • Before retiring to bed
  • Once during the night if necessary

Q2) a) difference between AIDS and HIV

  1. b) explain the prevention of HIV


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

HIV is the acronym for human deficiency virus

Virus that invades the immunity system

Patient may suffer minor difficulties; symptoms will be similar to flu


AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)

AIDS is the acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Large stage of spectrum of conditions, initially caused by the infection of (HIV)

Patient will experience severe sign and symptoms, disrupting the quality of life

Prevention of HIV

Individuals can reduce the risk of HIV infection by limiting exposure to risk factors.

1)Male and female condom use before sex

2)Testing and counselling for HIV and STIs

3)Testing and counselling, linkages to tuberculosis (TB) care

4)Avoid sharing contaminated needles, syringes and other injecting equipment and drug solutions when injecting drugs

5)Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Q3) enlist types of hypersensitivity and explain management of any one of them And :- Definition

Hypersensitivity is an excessive or aberrant immune response to any type of stimulus

Types of hypersensitivity

1)Anaphylactic (Type I) Hypersensitivity

2)Cytotoxic (Type II) Hypersensitivity

3)Immune Complex (Type III) Hypersensitivity

4)Delayed-Type (Type IV) Hypersensitivity

Anaphylactic (Type I) Hypersensitivity Management

1)​Antihistamines act​to block the effects of ​histamine​, which reduces ​vascular permeability ​and ​bronchoconstriction​.
2)Corticosteroids ​which can be used to reduce the inflammatory response, as well as epinephrine​, which is sometimes given during severe reactions via intramuscular injections through an EpiPen or ​intravenous​injection.
3)​Epinephrine​can help constrict blood vessels and prevent ​anaphylactic shock​.

Q4) enlist complication of chemotherapy

Ans :- ​Complication of chemotherapy

  • Hair loss.
  • Easy bruising and bleeding.
  • Anemia (low red blood cell counts)
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Appetite changes.

Q5) explain immediate post operative care of patient after appendectomy Ans :-

Post Operative care

1)Monitor vital sign.
2)Assess level of consciousness.
3)Assess bleeding at wound site.
4)Give clear fluid for first POD.
5)Monitor for infection and any complication at the wound incision.
6)Administer IV prophylaxis antibiotics as ordered.
7)Maintain aseptic technique during dressing.
8)Encourage patient to do ROM exercise.

Q6) English types of abortion and explain management of any one Ans :- Definition

Interruption of pregnancy or expulsion of the product of conception before the fetus is viable is called abortion. The fetus is generally considered to be viable any time after the fifth to sixth month of gestation.

Types of abortion

1)Threatened abortion:-

The term threatened abortion is used when a pregnancy is complicated by vaginal bleeding before the 20th week. Pain may not be a prominent feature of threatened abortion, although a lower abdominal dull ache sometimes accompanies the bleeding. Vaginal examination at this stage usually reveals a closed cervix. 25% to 50% of threatened abortion eventually result in loss of the pregnancy.


The patient is kept at rest in bed until 2 days after blood loss has ceased. Intercourse is forbidden. As soon as the initial bleeding has stopped an ultrasound scan is performed. This will reveal whether or not the pregnancy is intact. The prognosis is good when all abnormal signs and symptoms disappear and when the resumption of the progress of pregnancy is apparent.

2)Inevitable abortion:-

In case of inevitable abortion, a clinical pregnancy is complicated by both vaginal bleeding and cramp-like lower abdominal pain . The cervix is frequently partially dilated, attesting to the inevitability of the process.


The uterus usually expels its contents unaided , and examination must be made with strict aseptic technique. If the abortion is not quickly completed, or if hemorrhage becomes severe, the contents of the uterus are removed with a suction curettege.

3)Incomplete Abortion:-

In addition to vaginal bleeding, cramp-like pain, and cervical dilatation , an incomplete abortion involves the passage of products of conception , often described by the women as looking like pieces of skin or liver.


Patients require admission to the hospital. Treatment is aimed at preventing infection, controlling bleeding and obtaining an empty and involuting uterus. The chief risks associated with retained products are hemorrhage and sepsis.

4)Missed Abortion: –

The term missed abortion is used when the fetus has died but is retained in the uterus, usually for some weeks. After 16 weeks’ gestation, dilatation and curettage may become a problem. Fibrinogen levels should be checked weekly until the fetus and placenta are expelled.


Once the diagnosis has been made the uterus should be emptied. Early in gestation evacuation of the uterus is usually accomplished by suction curettage. The prognosis for the mother is good. Serious complications are uncommon.

5) Recurrent Abortion: –

Recurrent abortion refers to any case in which there have been three consecutive spontaneous abortions. Possible causes are known to be genetic error, anatomic abnormalities of the genital tract, hormonal abnormalities, infection, immunologic factors, or systemic disease.


Paternal and maternal chromosomes should be evaluated. The mother should be ruled out the presence of systemic disorders such as DM, SLE, and thyroid disease. It should rule out the presence of Mycoplasma, Listeria, Toxoplasma etc. infectious disease. Pelvic examination

Q7) English types of abortion and explain management of them

Types of abortion
1)Threatened abortion
2)Inevitable abortion
3)Incomplete Abortion
4)Missed Abortion
5)Recurrent Abortion



Adult Health Nursing-I solved past paper- 2019

Q1) a) describe cirrhosis of liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic, progressive disease characterized by widespread fibrosis(scarring) and nodule formation.

The development of cirrhosis is an insidious, prolonged course, usually after decades of chronic liver disease.

b) enlist its signs and symptoms

Some of the more common symptoms and signs of cirrhosis include:

    1. Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood
    2. Fatigue
    3. Weakness
    4. Loss of appetite
    5. Itching
    6. Easy bruising from decreased production of blood clotting factors by the diseased liver.
  1. list 10 points of nursing intervention
    1. Promoting rest ​to conserve energy
    2. Improving nutritional status
    3. Providing skin care
    4. Reducing risk of injury
    5. Monitoring & managing Potential complication
  • Bleeding & hemorrhage
  • Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Fluid Volume excess
  1. Promoting home & self care
  2. Client teaching like deep breathing techniques.
  3. Provide adequate nutrition and education, encourage lifestyle changes
  4. Provide a quiet and calm environment.
  5. Provide comfort measures such as back rubbing and changing position to relieve pain.

Q2) a) define intestinal obstruction and its types

This obstruction can involve only the small intestine (small bowel obstruction), the large intestine (large bowel obstruction), or via systemic alterations, involving both the small and large intestine (generalized ileus). The “obstruction” can involve a mechanical obstruction or, in contrast, may be related to ineffective motility without any physical obstruction, so-called functional obstruction, “pseudo-obstruction,” or paralytic ileus

There are two main types

  1. Mechanical
    1. It is caused by physical barrier
      1. Adhesions
        1. Cause Tissue and organ stick together
      2. Tumor
      3. Hernia
      4. Intussusception
      5. Volvulus
      6. Fecal impaction
  2. Functional
    1. Lack or absence of peristalsis
      1. Lack of muscular contractions to move food contents

b) describe its management and nursing care

1)Collaborative Care

a. Relieving pressure and obstruction

b. Supportive care

2)Gastrointestinal Decompression

a. Treatment with nasogastric or long intestinal tube provides bowel rest and removal of air and fluid

b. Successfully relieves many partial small bowel obstructions


a. Treatment for complete mechanical obstructions, strangulated or incarcerated obstructions of small bowel, persistent incomplete mechanical obstructions

b. Preoperative care

1.Insertion of nasogastric tube to relieve vomiting, abdominal distention, and to prevent aspiration of intestinal contents

2.Restore fluid and electrolyte balance; correct acid and alkaline imbalances

3.Laparotomy: inspection of intestine and removal of infarcted or gangrenous tissue

4.Removal of cause of obstruction: adhesions, tumours, foreign bodies, gangrenous portion of intestines and anastomosis or creation of colostomy depending on individual case

4)Nursing Care

a. Prevention includes healthy diet, uid intake

b. Exercise, especially in clients with recurrent small bowel obstructions

Q3) a) define renal failure and its causes


A condition in which the ​kidneys​stop working and are not able to remove waste and extra water from the blood or keep body chemicals in balance. Acute or severe renal failure​happens suddenly (for example, after an injury) and may be treated and cured.

The most common causes are:

    1. high blood pressure
    2. chronic glomerulonephritis (kidney damage)
    3. high blood sugar (diabetes)
    4. polycystic kidney disease
    5. blocked urinary tract
    6. kidney infection
  1. describe acute renal failure along with nursing care

Acute kidney failure​happens when your ​kidneys​suddenly lose the ability to eliminate excess salts, fluids, and waste materials from the blood. This elimination is the core of your ​kidneys​’main function. Body fluids can rise to dangerous levels when ​kidneys lose their filtering ability.

Nursing Interventions:

  1. Monitor 24-hour urine volume to follow clinical course of the disease.
  2. Monitor BUN, creatinine, and electrolyte.
  3. Monitor ABG levels as necessary to evaluate acid-base balance.
  4. Weigh the patient to provide an index of fluid balance.
  5. Measure blood pressure at various times during the day with patients in supine, sitting, and standing positions.
  6. Adjust fluid intake to avoid volume overload and dehydration.
  7. Watch for cardiac dysrhythmias and heart failure from hyperkalaemia, electrolyte imbalance, or fluid overload. Have resuscitation equipment available in case of cardiac arrest.
  8. Watch for urinary tract infection and remove bladder catheter as soon as possible.
  9. Employ intensive pulmonary hygiene because incidence of pulmonary oedema and infection is high.

10.Provide meticulous wound care.

11.Offer high-carbohydrate feedings because carbohydrates have a greater protein-sparing power and provide additional calories.

12.Institute seizure precautions. Provide padded side rails and have airway and suction equipment at the bedside.

13.Encourage and assist the patient to turn and move because drowsiness and lethargy may reduce activity.

14.Explain that the patient may experience residual defects in kidney function for a long time after acute illness.

15.Encourage the patient to report routine urinalysis and follow-up examinations.

16.Recommend resuming activity gradually because muscle weakness will be present from excessive catabolism.

Q4) a) what is abortion and describe its causes and types

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before viability of the featus before 22 weeks or if the fetal weight is less than 500gm.


Interruption of pregnancy or expulsion of the product of conception before the fetus is viable is called abortion. The fetus is generally considered to be viable any time after the fifth to sixth month of gestation.

There are three main types

    1. Spontaneous Abortion
      1. It is caused by
        1. abnormality in the fetus
        2. systemic diseases
        3. hormonal imbalance
        4. anatomic abnormalities
    2. Habitual Abortion
      1. It is caused by
        1. chromosomal anomalies
    3. Induced Abortion
      1. It is caused by
        1. A voluntary induced termination of pregnancy is performed by skilled health care providers
  1. right management of habitual abortion

Medical Management

After a spontaneous abortion, all tissue passed vaginally is saved for examination, if possible. The patient and all personnel who care for her are alerted to save any discharged material. In the rare case of heavy bleeding,the patient may require blood component transfusions and fluid replacement. An estimate of the bleeding volume can be determined by recording the number of perineal pads and the degree of saturation over 24 hours. When an incomplete abortion occurs, oxytocin may be prescribed to cause uterine contractions before D&E or uterine suctioning.

Nursing management

Because patients experience loss and anxiety, emotional support and understanding are important aspects of nursing care. Women may be grieving or relieved, depending on their feelings about the pregnancy. Providing opportunities for the patient to talk and express her emotions is helpful and also provides clues for the nurse in planning more specific care.

Q5) a) what is your understanding about infertility

Infertility is defined as a couple’s inability to achieve pregnancy after 1 year of unprotected intercourse

b) describe its pathophysiology and its management


  1. Age
  2. Weight
  3. Genetic causes ; turner syndrome
  4. Hypothalamic pituitary disorder
  5. Anatomical disorders


  1. Assist in reducing stress in relationship
  2. Encourage cooperation
  3. Protect privacy
  4. Foster understanding and refer the couple to appropriate resources when necessary . Because infertility workups are expensive, time consuming , invasive , stressful, and not always successful .
  5. Couples need support in working together to deal with endeavor
  6. Smoking is strongly discouraged because it has an adverse effect on the success of assisted reproduction
  7. Diet, exercise , stress reduction techniques, health maintenance ,and disease prevention are being emphasized in many infertility programs .

Q6) a) define anaemia

Anaemia​is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues. Having ​anaemia​can make you feel tired and weak. There are many forms of ​anaemia​, each with its own cause.

b) enlist its types

The seven types of anaemia

  1. Iron deficiency anaemia​.
  2. Thalassaemia.
    1. Aplastic ​anaemia​.
    2. Haemolytic ​anaemia​.
    3. Sickle cell ​anaemia​.
    4. Pernicious ​anaemia​.
    5. Fanconi ​anaemia​.
  3. describe iron deficiency anemia in detail

As the name implies, ​iron deficiency anemia​is due to insufficient ​iron​. Without enough ​iron​, your body can’t produce enough of a substance in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen (hemoglobin). As a result, ​iron deficiency anemia​may leave you tired and short of breath.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

  • Fatigue.
  • Weakness.
  • Pale skin.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Dizziness.
  • Swollen, sore tongue.
  • Abnormal heart rate.

To treat iron deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend that you take ​iron supplements​.

Iron supplements

  • Take ​iron​tablets on an empty stomach.
  • Don’t take ​iron​with antacids.
  • Take ​iron​tablets with vitamin C.

Q7) differentiate between palliative care and hospice care

Hospice care Palliative care
1) It is mainly based on comfortable care without any intention of curing a patient It targets on patient comfort and care with or without the presence of curative
2) Requires physician certification Does not require physician certification
3) Patient is not seeking curative measures or return to the hospital Patient may be seeking curative measures or return to the hospital
4) Patient has a terminal or untreatable illness with fewer than 6 months to live in the normal course of the disease Patient has a serious chronic or life limiting illness
5) Focus on symptoms management and quality of life Address goals of care focus on symptoms management and quality of life
6) Usually takes place in a home or home like environment Usually takes place in a hospital or medical facility
7) Patient has agreed to stop active/curative treatment Can be provided with active/curative treatment


Adult Health Nursing-I Solved past paper 2016-LUMHS

Q1) define first line defence /immune system

The ​first line​of ​defence​is your innate ​immune system​. Level one of this ​system consists of physical barriers like your skin and the mucosal lining in your respiratory tract. The tears, sweat, saliva and mucous produced by the skin and mucosal lining are part of that physical barrier.

The bodys first line of defense against pathogens uses mostly physical and chemical barriers such as

  1. Skin ​– acts as a barrier to invasion
  2. Sweat​– has chemicals which can kill different pathogens.
  3. Tears​- have lysozyme which has powerful digestive abilities that render antigens harmless.

Q2) define infertility and requirement for conception

In general, ​infertility​is ​defined​as not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or longer) of unprotected sex. Because fertility in women is known to decline steadily with age, some providers evaluate and treat women aged 35 years or older after 6 months of unprotected sex.

The necessary requirements for conception to occur are the following:

  • The fallopian tubes must be unobstructed and functional to receive the egg from the ovary and allow it to meet with the sperm.
  • The sperm must have normal parameters of concentration, forward motility and viability to be able to reach the egg overcoming all the natural hurdles they meet in the way.
  • The passing of the sperm from the vagina to the fallopian tubes must be smooth with a friendly environment from the cervical mucus.ed from the follicle.
  • Ovulation must occur so that a mature egg is release
  • Sexual intercourse must take place during the fertile days.

Q3) describe types of metabolic acidosis

Metabolic acidosis​is a serious electrolyte disorder characterized by an imbalance in the body’s acid-base balance. ​Metabolic acidosis​has three main root causes: increased acid production, loss of bicarbonate, and a reduced ability of the kidneys to excrete excess acids.

Metabolic acidosis is classified into two types: Metabolic acidosis is classified into two types:

(a)metabolic acidosis with normal AG​ (with increased Cl ¯ ) and (a)metabolic acidosis with normal AG ( with increased Cl ¯ ) and (b) metabolic acidosis with high AG (with normal Cl ¯).

  1. metabolic acidosis with high AG​ (with normal Cl ¯). An increased AG means the accumulation of non-volatile acids in the body. An increased AG means the accumulation of non-volatile acids in the body.

Q4) define abortion and types of abortion


Interruption of pregnancy or expulsion of the product of conception before the fetus is viable is called abortion. The fetus is generally considered to be viable any time after the fifth to sixth month of gestation.

Types of abortion

1)Threatened abortion:-

The term threatened abortion is used when a pregnancy is complicated by vaginal bleeding before the 20th week. Pain may not be a prominent feature of threatened abortion, although a lower abdominal dull ache sometimes accompanies the bleeding. Vaginal examination at this stage usually reveals a closed cervix. 25% to 50% of threatened abortion eventually result in loss of the pregnancy.


The patient is kept at rest in bed until 2 days after blood loss has ceased. Intercourse is forbidden. As soon as the initial bleeding has stopped an ultrasound scan is performed. This will reveal whether or not the pregnancy is intact. The prognosis is good when all

abnormal signs and symptoms disappear and when the resumption of the progress of pregnancy is apparent.

2)Inevitable abortion:-

In case of inevitable abortion, a clinical pregnancy is complicated by both vaginal bleeding and cramp-like lower abdominal pain . The cervix is frequently partially dilated, attesting to the inevitability of the process.


The uterus usually expels its contents unaided , and examination must be made with strict aseptic technique. If the abortion is not quickly completed, or if hemorrhage becomes severe, the contents of the uterus are removed with a suction curettege.

3)Incomplete Abortion:-

In addition to vaginal bleeding, cramp-like pain, and cervical dilatation , an incomplete abortion involves the passage of products of conception , often described by the women as looking like pieces of skin or liver.


Patients require admission to the hospital. Treatment is aimed at preventing infection, controlling bleeding and obtaining an empty and involuting uterus. The chief risks associated with retained products are hemorrhage and sepsis .

4)Missed Abortion:-

The term missed abortion is used when the fetus has died but is retained in the uterus, usually for some weeks. After 16 weeks ’ gestation, dilatation and curettage may become a problem. Fibrinogen levels should be checked weekly until the fetus and placenta are expelled.


Once the diagnosis has been made the uterus should be emptied. Early in gestation evacuation of the uterus is usually accomplished by suction curettage. The prognosis for the mother is good. Serious complications are uncommon .

5)Recurrent Abortion:-

Recurrent abortion refers to any case in which there have been three consecutive spontaneous abortions. Possible causes are known to be genetic error, anatomic

abnormalities of the genital tract, hormonal abnormalities, infection, immunologic factors, or systemic disease .


Paternal and maternal chromosomes should be evaluated. The mother should be ruled out the presence of systemic disorders such as DM,SLE, and thyroid disease. It should rule out the presence of Mycoplasma, Listeria, Toxoplasma etc. infectious disease.Pelvic examination

Q5) define nursing intervention for patient with acute pancreatitis

Nursing Interventions

  1. relieving pain and discomfort
  2. restoring adequate fluid balance
  3. improving breathing pattern
  4. improving nutritional status
  5. improving skin integrity
  6. monitoring and managing potential complications
  7. Change in position
  8. Monitor pulse oximetry

Q6) describe stomatitis and its nursing management

Stomatitis Definition ​: Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth , which may involve the cheeks, gums ,tongue ,lips , and roof or floor of the mouth. The word“ stomatitis “ literally means inflammation of the mouth.

Nursing Management

  1. Instruct the client to brush and floss his teeth and massage his gums several times daily.
  2. Advise the client to use gauze or a sponge toothette to clean the oral mucosa when pain prevents the use of a toothbrush.
  3. Recommend the use of water, saline, or a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide instead of toothpaste or mouthwash.
  4. Advise the client to eat a bland diet.
  5. Suggest that the client consume lukewarm, or cold food and fluids, which may minimize discomfort and result in increased intake.

Q7) define Hernia and types of hernia

Define Hernia

A condition in which part of an organ is displaced and protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it (often involving the intestine at a weak point in the abdominal wall)

Types of hernia

1.) Inguinal hernia

i.) Indirect inguinal hernia

ii.) Direct inguinal hernia (in contrast)

2.) Hiatal Hernia

3.) Femoral hernias (protrude through the femoral ring)

4.) Umbilical hernia (congenital/acquire)

5.) Incisional/ventral hernias (occur at the site of previous surgical incision)