An experienced and competent professional
- Acquire the necessary education and training
- Act as a positive role model for the profession and demonstrates best practice and excellence in professional behaviours
- Orientate and integrate the preceptee into the profession and the clinical environment
- Provide support and opportunity for learning
- Respond to learner diversity and needs
- Develop and maintain a respectful and inclusive environment
- Instruct, supervise, assess and evaluate the preceptee
- Provide and receive coaching and constructive feedback
- Assist in the development of clinical skills
- Assist in the transitioning of the preceptee from learner to practitioner who are reflective decision makers
- Assist in the integration of theory with practice and consolidation of knowledge
- Collaborate with preceptee at all stages of preceptorship
An active learner who is engaged in learning from a preceptor
- Collaborate with preceptor at all stages of preceptorship
- Take initiative, demonstrate motivation to learn and apply best practice principles
- Be accountable and take responsibility for learning
- Acquire and develop clinical skills
- Integrate theory with practice and consolidate knowledge
- Transition to a reflective decision maker
- Integrate into the profession and clinical environment