Health Assessment MCQs/BCQs

Health Assessment

B.Sc Nursing (Post RN) 1st year 1st semester Session

Q.No.1: Choose the correct answer

Objective Paper
Q.No.1: Choose the correct answer
1. A plan of care that identifies the specific needs of the client and that needs will be addressed by the healthcare system or skilled nursing facility is
a. Health identification
b. Health assessment
c. Health examination
d. Disease identification
e. Patients assessment
2. The process in which diseases detect early in people that may look and feel well is called
a. Medical assessment
b. Disease assessment
c. Investigation of disease
d. Health assessment
e. Health care
3. Nurses use physical assessment skills to
a. To identify and manage a variety of patient problems
b. To discharge the patient from hospital
c. To collect the health history
d. To realize the patient importance to relatives
e. To enhance the quality of care
4. When a client have a complain of sever headache a nurse assess that it is
a. Objective data
b. Subjective data
c. Client history
d. Chief complain
e. Present complain

5. A patient admit in general ward and have a complain of vertigo a nurse check blood pressure and inform to doctor it is called
a. Subjective data
b. Take vital sign of client
c. Health history
d. Objective data
e. duty of nurse

6. A seated position back unsupported and legs hanging freely is
a. Dorsal recumbent
b. Supine
c. Sims
d. Lithotomy
e. Sitting
7. Lies on abdomen with head torn to the side, wit or without a small pillow this is
a. Supine position
b. Lithotomy position
c. Horizontal recumbent position
d. Prone position
e. Sims position
8. A assessment technique in which critical observation of client done without touching by nurse or health care provider is
a. Inspection
b. Palpation
c. Percussion
d. Auscultation
e. Objective data
9. During assessment a sounds produced by striking body surface of individual this step of technique is called
a. Subjective data
b. Objective data
c. Inspection
d. Percussion
e. Diagnostic procedure


10. A Stethoscope is used to listening the sounds produced by the body of patient or individual this technique is called
a. Inspection
b. Palpation
c. Percussion
d. Auscultation
e. Physical examination
11. During the physical examination a lubricant like xylocain jell or liquid paraffin is used to
a. Ease the insertion of instrument
b. Visualize the body part
c. Heal the injury
d. Enhance the client’s complain
e. Document the main complain of patient
12. A physical examination in which tongue blades ( depressor) is used
a. To depress the tongue during assessment of nose and throat
b. To depress the tongue during assessment of mouth and larynx
c. To depress the tongue during assessment of mouth and pharynx
d. To depress the tongue during assessment of mouth and esophagus
e. To elevate the tongue during assessment of mouth and pharynx
13. Vaginal speculum is used to assess the
a. ovary
b. fallopian tube
c. Uterus
d. Cervix & vagina
e. Urethra
14. During assessment a lighted instrument is used to visualize the anterior of eye is called
a. Otoscope
b. Stethoscope
c. Laryngoscope
d. Nasal speculum
e. Ophthalmoscope


15. When client have a complain of congested chest and sounds are audible without stethoscope it is
a. Direct auscultation
b. Indirect auscultation
c. Inspection
d. Percussion
e. Palpation

16. Acknowledging the patient’s verbal and nonverbal communication conveys true interest and encourages further communication by
a. History taking
b. Interview
c. Data collection
d. Subjective data
e. Objective data
17. Otitis media is an
a. Inflammation of external ear
b. Inflammation of middle ear
c. Inflammation of inner ear
d. Inflammation of nasal cavity
e. Inflammation of oral cavity
18. The interviews require less time and are very effective for obtaining factual data with specific questions and are controlled by the nurse
a. Interview
b. Directive interview
c. Nondirective interview
d. History taking step
e. Open-ended question
19. In interview elicit a “yes” or “no” response, to client this type of question are
a. Open question
b. Closed question
c. Direct question
d. Indirect question
e. Simple question


20. The time during which a female is menstruating
a. Menopause
b. Menstrual period
c. Last menstrual period
d. Expected date of menstruation
e. Irregular cycle

21. X-ray of breast
a. Mammogram
b. Digital x-ray
c. Ct-scan
d. MRI
e. Barium scan
22. The process of identification of the condition, needs, abilities and preferences of a patient is
a. Nursing assessment
b. Patient assessment
c. Medical assessment
d. Professional assessment
e. Physical assessment
23. The process gathering of information about a patient’s physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual status in
a. Nursing assessment
b. Patient assessment
c. Medical assessment
d. Professional assessment
e. Physical assessment
24. When Blanch Test is performed and nails pressed between the fingers the nails return to usual color in less than
a. 4 seconds
b. 6 seconds
c. 8 second
d. 2 second
e. 3 second
25. The thyroid gland is not visible during the
a. Inspection
b. Palpation
c. Percussion
d. Auscultation
e. Surgery
26. Patient was able to read the newsprint at a distance of
a. 8 inches
b. 10 inches
c. 12 inches
d. 20 inches
e. 25 inches

27. Able to hear ticking on right ear at a distance of one inch and was able to hear the ticking on the left ear at the same distance this assessment test is called
a. Hearing Acuity Test
b. Watch Tick Test
c. Blanch Test
d. Weber test
e. Assessment test
28. An instrument used to measure the B.P of client is called
a. Stethoscope
b. Otoscope
c. Ophthalmoscope
d. Sphygmomanometer
e. Laryngoscope
29. The sweat to reduce the body temperature is eliminated by
a. Sweats gland
b. Apocrine gland
c. Eccrine gland
d. Thyroid gland
e. Hypothalamus gland
30. For the detection of hearing loss an instrument in physical examination is called
a. Otoscope
b. Ophthalmoscope
c. Hammer
d. Tuning fork
e. Speculum


31. Cleft palate is a congenital defect where the maxillary process fails to fuse. This causes a gap in the
a. hard palate and possibly the lower lip
b. soft palate and possibly the upper lip
c. hard palate and possibly the upper lip
d. hard palate and possibly the corner of lip
e. hard palate and possibly the mucous part of lip
32. A 70-year-old woman complains of dry mouth. The most frequent cause of this problem is:
a. The aging process
b. Related to medications she may be taking
c. The use of dentures
d. Related to a diminished sense of smell
e. Atrophy of esophagus
33. 72-year-old client is considered a normal process or aging the most common complain
a. My tongue feels swollen.”
b. “My tonsils are large and sore.”
c. “I have white and black spots under my tongue.”
d. “Food does not taste the same as it used to.”
e. Insomnia
34. A technique in which the hands and fingers are used to gather information by touch or it may be either superficial or deep
a. Inspection
b. Palpation
c. Percussion
d. Auscultation
e. Physical examination
35. During physical examination when using the stethoscope its exact position between
a. index and little fingers
b. thumb and all four fingers
c. index and ring fingers
d. thumb and index fingers
e. index and middle fingers
36. Occipital lobe of brain is said to be
a. memory storage center
b. Emotions control center
c. Visual center
d. Interpretation of sensory center
e. Auditory center
37. Name, Date of Birth, Age, Parents & siblings information of client are gather in
a. Present history
b. Past medical history
c. Bio-graphic data
d. Health history
e. Interview
38. When a nurse performed the physical examination of abdomen the sequence of examination should be
a. Inspection, auscultation, Percussion, palpation
b. Inspection, palpation ,Percussion, , auscultation,
c. auscultation , Inspection, , Percussion, palpation
d. Percussion, Inspection, auscultation, palpation
e. Palpation, Inspection, auscultation, Percussion,
39. The appropriate time to collect a urine specimen from a patient Is
a. before the physical examination
b. any time the patient feels he can provide a specimen
c. during the examination
d. after the examination
e. after follow up
40. The best examination position for the physician to evaluate the patient’s ability to fully expand the lungs is the
a. Sitting position
b. Prone position
c. Lithotomy position
d. knee-chest position
e. Fowler’s position
41. A patient who has low blood pressure or is in shock would be placed in a
a. Sitting position
b. Prone position
c. Lithotomy position
d. knee-chest position
e. Trendelenburg position
42. The normal range for body temperature is
a. 96°F to 98°F
b. 97°F to 99°F
c. 98°F to 99°F
d. 97°F to 100.4°F
e. 96°F to 97 °F
43. A temperature of 103°F is classified as
a. Normal
b. Hypo pyrexia
c. Hyper pyrexia
d. Low-grade fever
e. Pyrexia
44. One respiration consists of
a. One inhalation
b. One exhalation
c. One inhalation and one exhalation
d. The opening and closing of the valves of the heart
e. The opening and closing of the pulmonary valves of the lungs
45. The normal respiratory rate of an adult ranges from:
a. 8 to 16 respirations per minute
b. 10 to 18 respirations per minute
c. 12 to 20 respirations per minute
d. 16 to 22 respirations per minute
e. 14 to 20 respirations per minute
46. The abbreviation used to record oxygen saturation as measured by a pulse oximeter is:
a. SaO2
b. PCO2
c. PO2
d. SpO2
e. SpO4
47. Blood pressure is measured in:
a. Units
b. Degrees
c. Beats/min
d. Millimeters of mercury
e. Nanometer
48. Over which artery is the stethoscope placed when taking blood pressure:
a. Radial
b. Brachial
c. Apical
d. Carotid
e. Femoral
49. When measuring blood pressure, the patient’s arm should be positioned
a. Above heart level
b. At heart level
c. Across the chest
d. With the palm facing downward
e. With the palm facing upward
50. The term used to describe the point of lesser pressure on the arterial walls when assessing blood pressure:
a. Systolic pressure
b. Diastolic pressure
c. Diastole
d. Hypotension
e. Pulse pressure

Subjective paper
Q: 01. Define health assessment? Enlist the step of history taking.
Q: 02. What is interview? Explain the interview phases.
Q: 03. Describe the physical assessment skill & give any one example of each skill.
Q: 04. What is vital sign? Differentiate the value of infant, adult and older with example of normal range.
Q: 05. Define exercise? Enlist the type of exercise.
Q: 06. Define the following terms:
a. Tachycardia
b. Bradypnea
c. Otitis media
d. Percussion
e. Subjective & objective data
f. Temperature

Answer key

1 B
2 D
3 A
4 B
5 D
6 E
7 D
8 A
9 D
10 D
11 A
12 C
13 D
14 E
15 A
16 B
17 B
18 B
19 B
20 B


21 A
22 B
23 A
24 A
25 A
26 A
27 B
28 D
29 C
30 D
31 C
32 B
33 D
34 B
35 E
36 C
37 C
38 A
39 A

40 A
41 E
42 C
43 C
44 C
45 C
46 D
47 D
48 B
49 B
50 B

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