Angina pectoris

  1. Angina = Pain
  2. Pectoris = Chest


Angina Pectoris is defined as pain in the hest. Typical exert ional angina should not be persist longer than 20 minutes after rest & administration of the nitroglycerine.


  1. Myocardial infarction
  2. Insufficient blood flow
  3. Consumption of heavy meal
  4. Smoking
  5. Sexual activity
  6. Cocaine

Clinical features:

  1. Chest pain (jaw pain, left arm pain)
  2. Non verbal indicators (rub, stroke)
  3. Tachycardia
  4. Bradycardia
  5. Dysrhythmia
  6. Hypotension
  7. Hypertension
  8. Dysponea
  9. Nausea
  10. Vomiting
  11. Anxiety
  12. Pressure of S3 & S4 gallop


  1. ECG
  2. ESR
  3. Chest –ray
  4. Serum enzymes
  5. Cardiac troponin
  6. ETT
  7. PET
  8. Coronary angiographic study

Medical Management:

  1. Nitrates
  2. Oxygen inhalation Nursing Management:
  3. Administration of Oxygen therapy
  4. Determination of ital signs
  5. Assess for lead EG
  6. Prompt pain relief 1st with a nitrate followed by narcotic, analgesic if needed.
  7. Physical assessment of the pectoris
  8. Provide comfortable position to the patient.

Avoidance from excessive caffeine intake.

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