Basis of Pediatrics Nursing
Student Name: ___________S/O_____________ Roll No: ________
Maximum Marks: 100 Passing Marks: 50 Time: 3 Hours Date:
Note: Circle the one best answer.
- Which cell type is responsible for the early asthmatic response?
- Basophil
- Eosinophil
- Mast cell
- Neutrophil
- Congenital cyanotic heart disease includes:
- VSD.
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus.
- Fallot tetralogy.
- Fallot tetralogy include:
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Ventricular septal defect
- Over riding aorta
- All of the above
- Serious complications of Fallot tetralogy includes
- Eisenminger syndrome
- Recurrent pneumonia
- Brain abscess
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Major manifestations of Rheumatic fever include all the following, Except:
- Carditis
- Arthralgia
- Chorea
- Erthema nodosa
- All the following are true about acute bronchiolitis, Except:
- Most cases are under two years old.
- Most cases are caused by respiratory syncytial virus.
- Antibiotics are recommended in infants below three months age.
- Steroids maybe helpful in some cases.
- Bronchial asthma is characterized by all the following, Except:
- Hyper active air way
- Clubbing
- Spasmodic cough
- Bilateral chest wheezes
- All of the following cause acute wheezing, Except:
- Bronchitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchiaectasis
- Bronchial asthma
- All of the following are common causes of bacterial pneumonia, Except:
- Staphylococci.
- Hemophillus influenza.
- Pseudomonas.
- Klepsiella.
- All of the following are common causes of empyema, Except:
- Staphylococcal pneumonia
- Lung abscess
- Measles
- Chest injury
- The organ of gas exchange in the fetus is the
- Amniotic fluid
- Umbilical cord
- Placenta
- Lungs
- Commonest cause of bacterial pneumonia in infancy:
- H.. influenza
- Streptococcus
- Staphylococcus
- Pneumococcus
- Serious complications of staphylococcal pneumonia include all the following Except :
- Lung abscess
- Bronchitis
- Empyema
- Lung collapse
- Asthma triggers include all the following Except :
- Viral respiratory infections
- Tobacco smoke
- House dust mite
- Steroids
- Which of the following statement is not true about Breast milk
- It contains carbohydrates 7.0 gm %.
- It contains proteins 4.0 gm %.
- It contains water 87.5 %.
- It contains less calcium than cow milk.
- Non nutritional marasmus may be caused by.
- Acute gastroenteritis.
- Staphylococcal pneumonia.
- V.S.D.
- Urinary tract infections
- All the following are causes vitamin D deficiency rickets, Except:
- Low calcium in diet.
- Prolonged breast feeding
- Lack of sun exposure.
- Non response of bone receptors to vitamin D
- Colostrum is privileged by having.
- High iron.
- High antibodies.
- High vitamin D.
- High calcium
- The important reflex necessary for breast feeding:
- Moro reflex
- Grasp reflex
- Rooting reflex
- Cough reflex
- The clinical signs of kwashiorkor include the following, Except:
- Edema
- Skin changes
- Hair changes
- Bone changes
- The complications of rickets include all of the following, Except:
- Tetany
- Tetanus
- Respiratory infection
- Fractures
- Breast milk contains all of the following nutritional constituents, Except:
- 7.2 gm fats
- l.2 gm proteins
- 7.0 gm carbohydrates
- 87.5% water
- A fourth degree marasmus infant is characterized by .
- Loss of buccal pad of fats.
- Skin changes
- Edema.
- Bowed legs
- Breast milk contains all of the following nutritional constituents, Except:
- 3.5 gm fats
- 1.2 gm proteins
- 3.5gm carbohydrates
- 87.5% water
- Recommended basic requirement of vitamin D for infants is:
- 400 u Ikg
- 800 ulkg
- 200 ulkg
- 100 u/kg
- Breast milk in the first three days after delivery shows all the following, Except:
- Called colostrum
- Rich in proteins
- High vitamin K content
- High caloric value
- The clinical signs of kwashiorkor include the following except
- Edema
- Skin changes
- Hair changes
- Bone changes
- Colostrum is Breast milk secreted in the first post-natal :
- 2-3 days
- One week.
- 3-5 days
- One month
- Which of the following is not a compulsory vaccine given in the first year of life:
- Measles Vaccine.
- BCG Vaccine.
- Meningitis vaccine.
- Polio vaccine.
- All the following infectious diseases are essentially associated with rash, Except:
- German measles.
- Chickenpox.
- Mumps.
- Roseola infantum
- The incubation period of chickenpox is:
- One week
- 2 to 3 weeks
- 2 to 3 months
- 3 days
- Oral polio vaccine is.
- Live attenuated vaccine.
- Killed vaccine.
- Given at birth.
- Given at 4,8,12 months of age
- Paroxysmal stage of pertussis persists for:
- 2 weeks
- 4 weeks
- 3 weeks
- 8 weeks
- The incubation period of measles is :
- 2 weeks
- 4 weeks
- 3 weeks
- 8 weeks
- The incubation period of Chickenpox is :
- 3 weeks
- 4 weeks
- 8 weeks
- 1 week
- Rash of measles is characterized by all the following Except:
- Starts behind the ears.
- Spread from above downwards
- May be hemorrhagic in immunocompromised children
- May be vesicular
- The manifestations of rubella syndrome include the following except
- Mental retardation
- Microcephaly
- Cardiac defects
- Macrocephaly
- The virus causing chicken pox
- Rubella
- Varicella
- Herpes simplex
- None
- Paroxysmal stage of pertussis persists for :
- 2 weeks
- 3 weeks
- 4 weeks
- 6 weeks
- Measles rash begins :
- On chest and back
- Behind ear
- Behind neck
- On the face
- Complications of diphtheria include all the following Except :
- Squint
- Flaccid paraplegia
- Heart failure
- Ataxia
- The most common cause of hypovolemic shock is .
- Acute renal failure.
- Heart failure.
- Gastro enteritis.
- Toxic. coma
- The most common cause for recurrent abdominal pains in children is.
- Renal stones.
- Familial Mediterranean fever
- Intestinal parasites.
- Inflammatory bowel disease.
- Serious complications of gastroenteritis include:
- Dehydration
- Acidosis
- Shock
- All of the above
- Hypertonic dehydration is characterized by:
- Moist tongue
- Lost skin elasticity
- High serum sodium
- Drowsiness
- All of the following are correct about physiological jaundice, Except:
- It is a conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- The baby looks healthy and feeds well
- Doesn’t exceed 12 mg/dl
- It doesn’t persist more than 7 days
- All of the following are true about phototherapy, Except:
- Reduce serum unconjugated bilirubin level.
- Can cause watery stools.
- Increase fluid requirement.
- Can be a substitute for Exchange transfusion in small preterm with hyperbilirubinemia.
- Neonatal period extends up to:
- 21 days.
- 28 days.
- 30 days.
- 35 days.
- Moro reflex in normal neonates disappear at
- 1 week
- 3 weeks
- 6 weeks
- 3 months
- The umbilical cord contains
- One artery and one vein
- One artery and two capillaries
- Two arteries and one vein
- Two veins and one artery
- Persistence of Moro reflex at 12 weeks indicate :
- Brain damage
- Normal child
- Hungry child
- Irritable child
- Atelectasis due to intra-bronchial obstruction may be due to:
- Foreign body
- Mucus plug
- Both
- None
- Common presentations of chronic renal failure in children include :
- Anemia
- Bone deformity
- Hypertension
- All of the above
- The cause of death in spinal polio is:
- Paralysis of respiratory muscles
- Cardiac arrest
- Cranial nerve paralysis
- Urinary complications
- All of the following might be causes of cerebral palsy ,Except:
- Kernicterus.
- Toxoplasmosis.
- Congenital hypothyroidism.
- Tuberous sclerosis
- Cerebral palsy is characterized by
- Mental retardation
- Motor disability
- Curable
- Sensory loss
- The fatal poliomyelitis is :
- Bulbar polio
- Spinal polio
- Encephalitis
- Cerebral polio
- Delayed puberty may be due to:
- Growth hormone deficiency
- Malnutrition
- Hypothyroidism
- All of the above
- The site of lesions in myasthenia gravis:
- Spinal cord
- Neuromuscular junction
- Cranial nerves
- All of the above
- An infant sits without support by….. Month.
- 5 month.
- 7 month.
- 8 month.
- 9 month.
- The head circumference ,by the end of the second year equals:
- 35 cm.
- 45 cm.
- 50 cm.
- 60 cm .
- Infants body weight is tripled by the age of:
- 5 months
- 24 months
- 12 months
- 18 months
- Short stature may be due to:
- Growth hormone deficiency
- Malnutrition
- Hypothyroidism
- All the above
- An infant supports his head by … … months
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 8 months
- 10 months
- Weight gain in the first four months of age increase by
- 250 gm/month.
- 500 gm/ month
- 800 gm/ month
- 1500 gm/ month
- Grasp reflex in normal neonates is present since.
- 1 week
- 3 weeks
- Birth
- 3 months
- The first deciduous tooth appears by
- 3-4 months
- 4-5 months
- 8-9 months
- 5-7 months
- The faster weight gain is seen at
- First year and puberty
- Second year and puberty
- Puberty
- Infancy
- A child starts crawling
- 5 months
- 7 months
- 8 months
- 9 months
- The average monthly weight gain in the first 4 months :
- 250 gm.
- 500 gm.
- 750 gm.
- 1000 gm
B. Read each statement carefully and circle the correct answer as true or false. (10 Marks)
- Humans serve as a reservoir for meningococcal meningitis.
- True
- False
- Currently there is no vaccine for meningococcus.
- True
- False
- Tetanus is nearly always fatal.
- True
- False
- Viral meningitis (“aseptic meningitis”) is usually far more severe and deadly than bacterial or fungal meningitis.
- True
- False
- The common cold is caused by one virus.
- True
- False
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis can survive up to 10 years suspended in fine aerosols.
- True
- False
- Meningitis refers to inflammation of the brain.
- True
- False
- Is meningitis contagious?
- True
- False
- Spina bifida is the deformity of the brain.
- True
- False
- Cleft lip and palate occurs always unilaterally.
- True
- False
Attempt any five of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.No. 01 List the causes of birth defects and explain any one of them: (04 Marks)
Q.No. 02 Define the Mylomeningocele along with sign and symptoms. (04 Marks)
Q.No. 03 Write 10 most common accidents of children age with their preventive measures. (04 Marks)
Q.No. 04 Define tetanus. Explain nursing management of tetanus case. (04 Marks)
Q.No. 05 Enlist the responsibilities of a pediatric nurse. (04 Marks)
Q.No. 06 Write down the difference between diarrhea and dysentery. (04 Marks)
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q.No. 07 Define Down Syndrome and elaborate its nursing management. (04 Marks)
………..THE END………….