Community Health Nursing-I MCQs/BCQs

BS Nursing

1. The term _____________ is applied to unwanted or discarded waste matter while refuse means the solid discarded material produced by human habitant except human excreta.
a. Wholesome Water
b. Sewage
c. Waste
d. Garbage
e. Refuse

2. Environment refers to:
a. Environ
b. Organisms
c. Living things
d. Surroundings
e. Objects

3. The abiotic components are classified as:
a. Climatic
b. Water
c. Air
d. Food
e. All of the above

4. Rural Communities are the:
a. Places outside cities
b. Places in Suburbs
c. Places in the cities
d. Places adjacent to the cities
e. Places built with the cities

5. _______________ is a state of poor health:
a. Wellness
b. Illness
c. Wellbeing
d. Disease
e. Ill Health

6 ______________ are places inside of the cities:
a. Urban Communities
b. Rural Communities
c. Mauhalla
d. Suburbs
e. Towns

7. The most polluted form of water is:
a. River water
b. Springs
c. Shower water
d. Surface water
e. Rain water

8. The Health Belief was a psychological model developed by:
a. Julian Anderson
b. Neil Harmor
c. Florence Nightangle
d. Adam Jenner
e. Rosenstock

9. Cultural environment include all except:
a. Society
b. Economy
c. Microbia
d. Economics
e. Politics

10. The term Anthrosphere refers:
a. Flora
b. Natural disasters
c. Man made things
d. Fauna
e. Air

11. Fauna is:
a. Lithosphere
b. Atmosphere
c. Transformers
d. Hydrosphere
e. Biosphere

12. __________________________ on the other hand refers to those interventions that take place in a hospital setting such as intravenous rehydration or surgery
a. Tertiary Health Care
b. Primary Health Care
c. Bedside care
d. Secondary Health Care
e. Primitive Health Care

13. The main objectives of Community Health Nursing are optimum individual, and
a. Secondary Health Care
b. Primitive Health Care
c. National Health
d. Community health.
e. Primary Health

14. __________________refers to contaminants that enter a waterway through a discrete conveyance, such as a pipe.
a. Non Point source Pollution
b. Point source pollution
c. Water pollution
d. Food pollution
e. Sewage pollution

15. Surface water is usually:
a. Hard in nature
b. Neutral in Nature
c. Acidic in Nature
d. Soft in Nature
e. Alkaline in Nature

16. Is the intentional movement of _____________from outside a building to the inside.
a. Air
b. Water
c. Soil
d. Food
e. Pollution

17. Absence of fresh air can cause:
a. Heartburn
b. Diabetese
c. Headache
d. Constipation
e. Iron deficiency Anemia

18. Balanced Diet is best defined as :
a. Diet that satisfies your hunger
b. Diet that contains the optimum requirement of food calories and the nutrients.
c. Diet Rich in Fructose
d. Diet rich in Fats and Carbohydrates.
e. Diet rich in Sugar

19. The example of liquid waste is:
a. Plastics,
b. Styrofoam containers
c. Scrap Iron
d. Bleach
e. Chemicals

20. Dumping is the method of waste refusal in which :
a. In costal towns refuse is carried 15 miles within sea and is dumped there
b. In costal towns refuse is carried 5 miles within sea and is dumped there
c. In costal towns refuse is carried 50 miles within sea and is dumped there
d. In costal towns refuse is carried 25 miles within sea and is dumped there
e. In costal towns refuse is carried 0.5 miles within sea and is dumped there

21. ________________ is a modified sanitary landfill. Here mixed refuse should be placed properly and covered by earth.
a. Composting
b. Incineration
c. Controlled Tipping
d. Slow Sand Filter Bed
e. Rapid Sand Filteration Bed

22. The end product, ________________, contains few or no disease producing organisms, and is a good soil builder containing small amounts of the major plant nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates

a. Compost
b. Sudge
c. Sludge
d. Siners
e. Incliners

23. The heat produced during composting, is _______________ or higher
a. 61OC
b. 62OC
c. 64OC
d. 60OC
e. 630C

24. In Bangalore Method the first layer of refuse is about __________ thick
a. 20 cm
b. 10 cm
c. 15 cm
d. 16 cm
e. 17 cm

25. Mechanical Composting is also known as :
a. Anaerobic Method
b. Old Method
c. New Method
d. Aerobic method
e. Refined Method

26. One of the disease caused by rodent is:
a. Whooping Cough
b. Plague
c. Tuberculosis
d. Diabetes
e. Angina Pectoris

27. Plague is caused by Bacteria
a. Yersinia Spirochetes
b. Yersinia Meningococal
c. Yersinia Pestis
d. Yersinia Anopheles
e. Yersinia Ameobic

28. Bubo is formed in
a. Toxoplasmosis
b. Plague
c. Hypertension
d. Pneumonic plague
e. Bubonic Plague

29. Slaughter house is also known as:
a. Private Abattoir
b. Public Abattoir
c. Public Savege house
d. Public Slaughter House
e. Private Slaughter House

30. Animal infections transmitted to man by meat are called
a. Exogenoses Contamination
b. Exogenous Contamination
c. Endogenoses Contamination
d. False Contamination
e. Zoonoses Contamination


Answer key
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. E
6. A
7. A
8. E
9. C
10. C
11. E
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. E
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. D
24. C
25. D
26. B
27. C
28. E
29. B
30. E

Community health Nursing-II MCQs/BCQs

BS Nursing

1. Sickness is:
A. A social state, signifying an impaired role for those who are ill.
B. A phenomenon in which one or more natural functions of the body are so disturbed
C. A condition of body or some part or organ of body in which its functions are unbalanced.
D. A state in which the individual has no health problem

2. Following are the functions of Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) except:
A. PNC works closely with the four provincial Nursing Examination Boards (NEBs)
B. PNC inspects educational institutions for approval based on established standards.
C. PNC provides registration (license) to practice to doctors
D. PNC Maintains standards of education and practice
E. PNC sets the curriculum for the education of Nurses, Midwives, LHVs and Nursing Auxiliaries

3. Which of the following is the social environmental need for normal physical and mental health?
A. All of the above
B. Good nutrition and proper rest
C. Regular exercise and recreations
D. Work in accordance with health conditions

4. International conference (Alma Ata) on primary health care was held form _______ in Alma Ata, USSR:
A. September 6-12, 1979
B. September 6-12, 1978
C. September 6-12, 1977
D. September 6-12, 1976

5. Determinants of community health include:
A. Equitable distribution
B. Environment
C. Rehabilitation
D. Treatment of disorders

6. ___________________ is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities.
A. Rural area or countryside community
B. Suburban community
C. Urban community
D. Rural and urban community
E. Community

7. ___________________ can be define as a phenomenon in which one or more natural functions of the body are so disturbed.
A. Infection
B. Disease
C. Illness
D. Sickness

8. According to American Nurses Association _____________ is “a synthesis of nursing and public health practice applied to promoting and preserving the health populations”:
A. Community health
B. Community
C. Public health
D. Community health nursing

9. The ____________ is the most popularly used method of waste disposal used today:
A. All of the above
B. Recycling
C. Disposal in ocean/sea
D. Landfill
E. Incineration/combustion

10. Which one of the following is NOT included in the elements of primary health care (PHC):
A. Provision of safe water and basic sanitation
B. Safe food supply and proper nutrition
C. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries
D. Increasing the adaptation of the individual to his environment

11. A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common is:
A. City
B. Community
C. Town
D. Society
E. Provence

12. Basic principles of primary health care include:
A. Contributing to method of diagnosis
B. Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
C. Decentralization of power
D. Reproductive health needs

13. Following are the components of health education except:
A. Environmental health
B. Emotional health
C. Physical health
D. Infirmity
E. Social health

14. International conference (Alma Ata) on primary health care was held at USST capital of:
A. Waziristan
B. Turkistan
C. Afghanistan
D. Kazakhstan

15. Safe food supply and proper nutrition is:
A. Essentials/Elements of primary health care
B. Goal and objective of primary health care
C. Basic requirement of primary health care
D. Basic principle of primary health care

16. __________________ is barrier to community/ public participation
A. Lack of education or information
B. Poverty/socioeconomic status
C. Cultural minorities
D. Negligence from government

17. A basic health unit (BHU) is for the population of:
A. 4000-11000
B. 3000-4000
C. 5000-10000
D. 15000- 20000

18. Education that promotes an understanding of how to maintain personal health is:
A. Health education
B. Education
C. Learning
D. Community health education
E. Teaching

19. Which of the one the following is characteristics of community health nursing?
A. Increase the average life expectancy
B. Emphasizes wellness rather than illness
C. Decreasing the morbidity rate
D. Providing total health care to improve quality of life

20. An average person must sleep for ____________ hours during night:
A. 4 to 8
B. 6 to 8
C. 7 to 8
D. 5 to 8

21. PHC based on the following principles except:
A. Nation-wide coverage
B. Inter-sectoral coordination
C. Self-reliance
D. Social equity
E. Self-actualization

22. Which is the primary goal of community health nursing?
A. To contribute to national development through promotion of family welfare, focusing particularly on mothers and children
B. To support and supplement the efforts of the medical profession in the promotion of health and prevention of illness
C. To increase the productivity of the people by providing them with services that will increase their level of health
D. To enhance the capacity of individuals, Families and communities to cope with their health needs.

23. Which one of the following is subjective component of wellness?
A. Level of provision of recreational; services
B. Individuals own evaluation of standard of life
C. Level of provision of health services
D. Occupation and employment status

24. Supervises the work of health assistants in district is responsibility of:
A. District health nurse
B. Executive district health officer
C. District health inspector
D. District health officer

25. ______________________ can be defined as a phenomenon in which one or more natural functions of the body are so disturbed.
A. Infection
B. Disease
C. Illness
D. Sickness

26. The Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) is a regulatory body established in:
A. 1947
B. 1950
C. 1951
D. 1949
E. 1948

27. Devolution of power in health departments:
A. Improve the quantity and quality of health care delivery to the people close to their door step
B. Reproductive health
C. Food sanitation
D. Prevent and control communicable diseases
E. Occupational health

28. Chloramines in the water, like dichloramine and trichloramine, irritate and causes all except one:
A. Heart problem
B. Eye problems
C. Nose problems
D. Skin problems
E. Ear problems

Answer KEY
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. D
20. B
21. E
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. F
27. A
28. E