Islamiat MCQs/BCQs

Islamiat |1stYear| 2nd Semester| BSN (Generic)

  1. The conquest of Makkah was held in year:
    A) 6 hijra
    B) 9 hijra
    C) 7 hijra
    D) 8 hijra
    E) 10 hijra
  2. The name of grandfather of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H):

Abdul Mutalib

3. The Qureshi were used profession of
A) Farming
B) Teaching
C) Trading
D) Hunting
E) Fishing

4. When Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) left his followers physically the Muslims take an oath on the hand of:
A) Hazrat Ali R.A
B) Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
C) Hazrat Usman R.A
D) Hazrat Talha R.A
E) Hazrat Umar R.A

5. The batle of Khyber was fought in hijrah:
A) 9th
B) 7th
C) 5th
D) 8th
E) 6th

6. The First Battle was fought between Muslim of Madina Quraish of Makkah was:
A) Khyber
B) Muta
C) Khandak
D) Uhad
E) Badar

7. In the battle of Baddr the leader of Quraysh was :
A) Aamir Al Hazar
B) Utbabin Rabia
C) Abu Sufyan
D) Abu Jihil
E) Umar bin abdwud

8. The name of the 1st wife of the Prophet (P.B.U.H):
A) Bibi Ume-e-Salma R.A
B) Bibi Ayesha R.A
C) Bibi Hafsa R.A
D) Bibi Khadija R.A
E) Bibi Safia R.A

9. Hazrat Ali R.A belong to:
A) Bano Quraiza
B) Bano Nazir
C) Bano Hashim
D) Bano Abbas
E) Bano Ummya

10. The Name of The Prophet whom the people had took into the fire was:
A) Hazra Essa A.S
B) Hazrat Zakarya A.S
C) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
D) Hazrat Mussa A.S
E) Hazrat Daud A.S

11. The number of Khulafa-e-Rashdin are:
A) Two
B) Five
C) Three
D) Four
E) Six

12. The prophet (P.B.U.H) go this 1st marriage at the age of:
A) 25 years
B) 35 years
C) 30 years
D) 20 years
E) 40 years

13. In Battle of Uhud the number of Muslim Army was:
A) 600
B) 900
C) 700
D) 1000
E) 800

14. Abu Jahl Was Killed In battle of:
A) Khandak
B) Badar
C) Khyber
D) Hunain
E) Uhad

15. In The Islamic History the 1st time“Azan”call for prayer was given by:
A) Hazrat Usman
B) Hazrat Ali
C) Hazrat Umar
D) Hazrat Bilal
E) Hazrat Zubair

16. The work of taken out soul from the human body is done by the angel:
A) Hazrat Izraeel A.S
B) None of these
C) Hazrat Meekail A.S
D) Hazrat Israfeel A.S
E) Hazrat Jibraeel A.S

17. When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) left for Madinah from Makkah, he stays on his bed:
A) Hazrat Usman R.A
B) Hazrat Ali R.A
C) Hazrat AbuBakar R.A
D) Hazrat Umar R.A
E) Hazrat Hassan R.A

18. Khana Kabah was built by:
A) Hazrat Moosa A.S
B) Hazrat Mutalib
C) Hazrat AbuTalib
D) Hazrat Daud A.S
E) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S

19. The Name of the1st daughter of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H):
A) Bibi Ruquia R.A
B) Bibi Sakeena R.A
C) Bibi Zainab R.A
D) Bibi Ume Kulsoom R.A
E) Bibi Fatima R.A

20. The Holy book “Quran” was revealed on the prophet:
A) Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
B) Hazrat Zakria A.S
C) Hazrat Daud A.S
D) Hazrat Essa A.S
E) Hazrat Mussa A.S

21. The pact of Messak-e-Madina was held in:
A) 1st Hijrah
B) 4th Hijrah
C) 2nd Hijrah
D) 3rd Hijrah
E) 5th Hijrah

22. The Heart of Holy Quran is:
A) Suray Taha
B) Surah Al Ahzab
C) Surah Furqan
D) Surah Yaseen
E) Surah Rehman

23. The total no. of the Holy verses of the “Quran” are:
A) 113
B) 116
C) 114
D) 117
E) 115

24. The saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)is known as:
A) Sahifa
B) Fiqah
C) Quran
D) None of these
E) Hadees

25. The sacred building of Islam is situated in the center of Makkah is known as:
A) Arafat
B) Kabah
C) Meekat
D) Riazul Janat
E) Janatul Baqi

26. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) tookhis1st travel with his mother in the age of:
A) 8 years
B) 9 years
C) 7 years
D) 6 years
E) 5 years

27. The last pillar of Islam is:
A) Nimaz
B) Fasting
C) Zakat
D) Haj
E) Kalma Tayaba

28. The Number of Devine books are:
A) Three
B) One
C) Two
D) Five
E) Four

29. The wife of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Bibi Ayesha R.A was the daughter of:
A) Hazrat Umar R.A
B) Hazrat Zaid R.A
C) Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
D) Hazrat Usman R.A
E) Hazrat Zubair R.A

30. The longest surah of the Holy Quran is:
A) Surah Alaq
B) Surah Al Hijrat
C) Surah Yaseen
D) Surah Rehman
E) Surah Baqarah

31. The revelation of the holy Quran was through the angle:
A) Meekaile A.S
B) Izraiel A.S
C) Israfeel A.S
D) Jibraiel A.S
E) None of these

32. The fasting has been done in the month of:
A) Safar
B) Shouban
C) Rajab
D) Moharam
E) Ramzan

33. When Bibi Khadija Got The marriage with the Prophet (P.B.U.H) her age was:
A) 25 years
B) 40 years
C) 30 years
D) 45 years
E) 35 years

34. Due to the social boycott of Quraish of Makkah the family of Hazrat Abu Talif has stay in the valley “Shoaib Abi Talib” almost:
A) Four year
B) One year
C) Three year
D) Five year
E) Two year

35. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) delivered his last sermon at the place of:
A) Taif
B) Uhad
C) Arafat
D) Hudabia
E) Safa Marvah

36. Batle of Uhad was fought in the year of :
A) 5 hijri
B) 6 hijri
C) 4 hijri
D) 3 hijri
E) 2 hijri

37. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) belongs to the linage of:
A) Hazrat Daud (A.S)
B) Hazrat Noonh (A.S)
C) Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
D) Hazra tMussa (A.S)
E) Hazrat Idrees (A.S)

38. 1st Soorah of the Holy Quran:
A) Surah Alaq
B) Surah Fateh
C) Surah Ikhlas
D) Surah Naas
E) Surah Falaq

39. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) had preached Islam hiddenly almost :
A) 2 year
B) 5 year
C) 1 year
D) 3 year
E) 4 year

40. Bait-e-Uqba Oola has been in the year of Nabvi:
A) 13
B) 14
C) 11
D) 12
E) 10

Answer key:

1. D
2. Abdul Mutalib
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. E
19. C
20. A
21. A
22. D
23. A
24. E
25. B
26. E
27. D
28. E
29. C
30. E
31. D
32. E
33. B
34. C
35. C
36. D
37. C
38. B
39. D
40. E

Measures of Dispersion

This term is used commonly to mean scatter, Deviation, Fluctuation, Spread or variability of data. The degree to which the individual values of the variate scatter away from the average or the central value, is called a dispersion. Types of Measures of Dispersions:
  • Absolute Measures of Dispersion: The measures of dispersion which are expressed in terms of original units of a data are termed as Absolute Measures.
  • Relative Measures of Dispersion: Relative measures of dispersion, are also known as coefficients of dispersion, are obtained as ratios or percentages. These are pure numbers independent of the units of measurement and used to compare two or more sets of data values. Absolute Measures
  • Range
  • Quartile Deviation
  • Mean Deviation
  • Standard Deviation
Relative Measure
  • Co-efficient of Range
  • Co-efficient of Quartile Deviation
  • Co-efficient of mean Deviation
  • Co-efficient of Variation.
The Range: 1.      The range is the simplest measure of dispersion.  It is defined as the difference between the largest value and the smallest value in the data: 2. For grouped data, the range is defined as the difference between the upper class boundary (UCB) of the highest class and the lower class boundary (LCB) of the lowest class. MERITS OF RANGE:-
  • Easiest to calculate and simplest to understand.
  • Gives a quick answer.
  • It gives a rough answer.
  • It is not based on all observations.
  • It changes from one sample to the next in a population.
  • It can’t be calculated in open-end distributions.
  • It is affected by sampling fluctuations.
  • It gives no indication how the values within the two extremes are distributed
Quartile Deviation (QD): 1.      It is also known as the Semi-Interquartile Range.  The range is a poor measure of dispersion where extremely large values are present.  The quartile deviation is defined half of the difference between the third and the first quartiles: QD = Q3 – Q1/2 Inter-Quartile Range The difference between third and first quartiles is called the ‘Inter-Quartile Range’. IQR = Q3 – Q1 Mean Deviation (MD): 1.      The MD is defined as the average of the deviations of the values from an average: It is also known as Mean Absolute Deviation. 2.      MD from median is expressed as follows: 3.      for grouped data: Mean Deviation:
  1. The MD is simple to understand and to interpret.
  2. It is affected by the value of every observation.
  3. It is less affected by absolute deviations than the standard deviation.
  4. It is not suited to further mathematical treatment.  It is, therefore, not as logical as convenient measure of dispersion as the SD.
The Variance:
  • Mean of all squared deviations from the mean is called as variance
  • (Sample variance=S2; population variance= σ2sigma squared (standard deviation squared). A high variance means most scores are far away from the mean, a low variance indicates most scores cluster tightly about the mean.
Variance2JPGFormula OR S2 = Calculating variance: Heart rate of certain patient is 80, 84, 80, 72, 76, 88, 84, 80, 78, & 78. Calculate variance for this data. Solution: Step 1: Find mean of this data measures-of-central-tendency-4 = 800/10 Mean = 80 Step 2: Draw two Columns respectively ‘X’ and deviation about mean (X- ). In column ‘X’ put all values of X and in (X- ) subtract each ‘X’ value with . Step 3: Draw another Column of (X- ) 2, in which put square of deviation about mean.
X (X- ) Deviation about mean (X- )2 Square of Deviation about mean
80 84 80 72 76 88 84 80 78 78 80 – 80 = 0 84 – 80 = 4 80 – 80 = 0 72 – 80 = -8 76 – 80 = -4 88 – 80 = 8 84 – 80 = 4 80 – 80 = 0 78 – 80 = -2 78 – 80 = -2 0 x 0 = 00 4 x 4 = 16 0 x 0 = 00 -8 x -8 = 64 -4 x -4 = 16 8 x 8 = 64 4 x 4 = 16 0 x 0 = 00 -2 x -2 = 04 -2 x -2 = 04
∑X = 800 = 80 ∑(X- ) = 0 Summation of Deviation about mean is always zero ∑(X- )2 = 184 Summation of Square of Deviation about mean
Step 4 Apply formula and put following values ∑(X- ) 2= 184 n = 10 Variance2JPG Variance = 184/ 10-1 = 184/9 Variance = 20.44 Standard Deviation
  • The SD is defined as the positive Square root of the mean of the squared deviations of the values from their mean.
  • The square root of the variance.
  • It measures the spread of data around the mean. One standard deviation includes 68% of the values in a sample population and two standard deviations include 95% of the values & 3 standard deviations include 99.7% of the values
  • The SD is affected by the value of every observation.
  • In general, it is less affected by fluctuations of sampling than the other measures of dispersion.
  • It has a definite mathematical meaning and is perfectly adaptable to algebraic treatment. OR S = Calculating Standard Deviation (we use same example): Heart rate of certain patient is 80, 84, 80, 72, 76, 88, 84, 80, 78, & 78. Calculate standard deviation for this data. SOLUTION: Step 1: Find mean of this data measures-of-central-tendency-4 = 800/10 Mean = 80 Step 2: Draw two Columns respectively ‘X’ and deviation about mean (X-). In column ‘X’ put all values of X and in (X-) subtract each ‘X’ value with. Step 3: Draw another Column of (X- ) 2, in which put square of deviation about mean.
X (X- ) Deviation about mean (X- )2 Square of Deviation about mean
80 84 80 72 76 88 84 80 78 78 80 – 80 = 0 84 – 80 = 4 80 – 80 = 0 72 – 80 = -8 76 – 80 = -4 88 – 80 = 8 84 – 80 = 4 80 – 80 = 0 78 – 80 = -2 78 – 80 = -2 0 x 0 = 00 4 x 4 = 16 0 x 0 = 00 -8 x -8 = 64 -4 x -4 = 16 8 x 8 = 64 4 x 4 = 16 0 x 0 = 00 -2 x -2 = 04 -2 x -2 = 04
∑X = 800 = 80 ∑(X- ) = 0 Summation of Deviation about mean is always zero ∑(X- )2 = 184 Summation of Square of Deviation about mean
Step 4 Apply formula and put following values ∑(X- )2 = 184 n = 10 sd calculation MERITS AND DEMERITS OF STD. DEVIATION
  • Std. Dev. summarizes the deviation of a large distribution from mean in one figure used as a unit of variation.
  • It indicates whether the variation of difference of a individual from the mean is real or by chance.
  • Std. Dev. helps in finding the suitable size of sample for valid conclusions.
  • It helps in calculating the Standard error.
  • It gives weightage to only extreme values. The process of squaring deviations and then taking square root involves lengthy calculations.
 Relative measure of dispersion: (a)    Coefficient of Variation, (b)   Coefficient of Dispersion, (c)    Quartile Coefficient of Dispersion, and (d)   Mean Coefficient of Dispersion. Coefficient of Variation (CV): 1.      Coefficient of variation was introduced by Karl Pearson.  The CV expresses the SD as a percentage in terms of AM:   —————- For sample data   ————— For population data
  • It is frequently used in comparing dispersion of two or more series.  It is also used as a criterion of consistent performance, the smaller the CV the more consistent is the performance.
  • The disadvantage of CV is that it fails to be useful when   is close to zero.
  • It is sometimes also referred to as ‘coefficient of standard deviation’.
  • It is used to determine the stability or consistency of a data.
  • The higher the CV, the higher is instability or variability in data, and vice versa.
Coefficient of Dispersion (CD): If Xm and Xn are respectively the maximum and the minimum values in a set of data, then the coefficient of dispersion is defined as: Coefficient of Quartile Deviation (CQD): 1.      If Q1 and Q3 are given for a set of data, then (Q1 + Q3)/2 is a measure of central tendency or average of data.  Then the measure of relative dispersion for quartile deviation is expressed as follows: CQD may also be expressed in percentage. Mean Coefficient of Dispersion (CMD): The relative measure for mean deviation is ‘mean coefficient of dispersion’ or ‘coefficient of mean deviation’:   ——————– for arithmetic mean   ——————– for median Percentiles and Quartiles The mean and median are special cases of a family of parameters known as location parameters. These descriptive measures are called location parameters because they can be used to designate certain positions on the horizontal axis when the distribution of a variable is graphed. Percentile:
  1. Percentiles are numerical values that divide an ordered data set into 100 groups of values with at the most 1% of the data values in each group. There can be maximum 99 percentile in a data set.
  2. A percentile is a measure that tells us what percent of the total frequency scored at or below that measure.
Percentiles corresponding to a given data value: The percentile in a set corresponding to a specific data value is obtained by using the following formula Number of values below X + 0.5 Percentile = ——————————————– Number of total values in data set Example: Calculate percentile for value 12 from the following data 13 11 10 13 11 10 8 12 9 9 8 9 Solution: Step # 01: Arrange data values in ascending order from smallest to largest
S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Observations or values 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13
Step # 02: The number of values below 12 is 9 and total number in the data set is 12 Step # 03: Use percentile formula 9 + 0.5 Percentile for 12 = ——— x 100 = 79.17% 12 It means the value of 12 corresponds to 79th percentile Example2: Find out 25th percentile for the following data 6 12 18 12 13 8 13 11 10 16 13 11 10 10 2 14 SOLUTION Step # 01: Arrange data values in ascending order from smallest to largest
S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Observations or values 2 6 8 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 16 18
Step # 2 Calculate the position of percentile (n x k/ 100). Here n = No: of observation = 16 and k (percentile) = 25 16 x 25 16 x 1 Therefore Percentile = ———- = ——— = 4 100 4 Therefore, 25th percentile will be the average of values located at the 4th and 5th position in the ordered set. Here values for 4th and 5th correspond to the value of 10 each. (10 + 10) Thus, P25 (=Pk) = ————– = 10 2 Quartiles These are measures of position which divide the data into four equal parts when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order. The quartiles are denoted by Q. quartile
Quartiles Formula for Ungrouped Data Formula for Grouped Data
Q1 = First Quartile below which first 25% of the observations are present Q1_ungroup
Q2 = Second Quartile below which first 50% of the observations are present. It can easily be located as the median value. Q2_ungroup Q2
Q3 = Third Quartile below which first 75% of the observations are present Q3_ungroup Q3
Symbol Key:

Epidemiology MCQs

  1. Which of the following is NOT a part of continuum of natural history of the disease?
    1. Stage of Susceptibility
    2. Stage of preclinical
    3. Stage of prevention
    4. Stage of recovery
  2. Which of the following is also known as retrospective studies?
    1. Cohort studies
    2. Descriptive studies
    3. Experimental studies
    4. Case control studies
  3. Total number of deaths reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
    1. death rate
    2. Crude death rate
    3. mortality rate
    4. proportional mortality
  4. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
    1. Birth Rate
    2. Growth Rate
    3. Crude Fertility rate
    4. Crude Birth Rate
  5. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated number of women age 15 to 44 years mid interval is known as;
    1. Crude Fertility Rate
    2. Birth Rate
    3. Growth Rate
    4. Sex ratio
  6. Number of current cases(new and old) of specified disease identified over a given time interval from estimated population at mid interval is called;
    1. Prevalence
    2. Period Prevalence
    3. Point Prevalence
    4. Disease Prevalence
  7. Use of statistics to analyze characteristics or changes to a population is termed as;
    1. population Pyramid
    2. vital statistics
    3. Population statistics
    4. Population dynamics
  8. Which of the following term provides true representation of whole population?
    1. Sampling
    2. Random Sampling
    3. Case reporting
    4. Sample
  9. Measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval is called;
    1. Crude death rate
    2. Mortality Rate
    3. Death ratio
    4. Mortality
  10. Public health surveillance DOES NOT consists on the following step;
    1. Systematic collection
    2. Analysis
    3. Planning
    4. Interpretation
  11. Surveillance system information cycles include;
    1. Family and community
    2. Public, Health care provider and Health agencies
    3. None of the above
    4. Public, Health care provider only
  12. Epidemiology can be defined as follow EXCEPT;
    1. Distribution of health related states
    2. Community leaders and their family crises
    3. Determinant of health related events
    4. Apply to the control of health problems
  13. A state of disorder that results from communication ONLY by direct contact is termed as;
    1. Infectious disease
    2. Contamination
    3. Epidemic
    4. Contagious disease
  14. Which of the following is NOT a basic measurement in epidemiology;
    1. Rate
    2. Nominator
    3. Ratio
    4. Proportion
  15. Which of the following is usually expressed as percentage;
    1. Rate
    2. Nominator
    3. Ratio
    4. Proportion
  16. Measurement of disease, disability or death and converting this information in to rates and ratio is defined as;
    1. Specificity
    2. Screening
    3. Frequency
    4. Sensitivity
  17. Measurement of current status of disease is termed as;
    1. Prevalence
    2. Incidence
    3. Cumulative Incidence
    4. Mid interval population
  18. A person who harbors the microorganisms of a disease and excretes them without self suffering from symptoms is called;
    1. Reservoir
    2. Carrier
    3. Host
    4. Agent
  19. The modes of transmission of infectious diseases are as follow EXCEPT;
    1. Direct
    2. Indirect
    3. Physiological
    4. Biological
  20. The number of new cases occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time is called;
    1. Prevalence
    2. Incidence
    3. a and b
    4. Cumulative incidence
  21. Epidemiological methods can be categorized as follow;
    1. Descriptive, cohort and case control
    2. Descriptive, cross sectional and experimental
    3. Descriptive, prospective and experimental
    4. Descriptive, Analytical and experimental
  22. In descriptive epidemiology disease described in terms of;
    1. What, Why and How
    2. Host, Agent and Environment
    3. Time, Place and Person
    4. Agent, Place and Person
  23. Which of the following is also known as prospective study;
    1. Cohort studies
    2. Descriptive studies
    3. Experimental studies
    4. Case control studies
  24. In epidemiological triad environmental factors can be classified as;
    1. Physical
    2. Chemical
    3. Social
    4. Biological
  25. Which of the following ratio provide us an estimate of risk in case control study;
    1. Odd ratio
    2. Sex ratio
    3. Disease ratio
    4. Dependency ratio
  26. The entire group of people or elements that have at least one thing is common is known as;
    1. Sample
    2. Parameter
    3. Hypothesis
    4. Population
  27. Sampling done on the basis of some pre determined ideas and its result can not be generalized is defined as follow;
    1. Snow ball sampling
    2. Purposive sampling
    3. Probability sampling
    4. Non-probability sampling
  28. Tertiary prevention includes;
    1. Disability limitation
    2. Prompt treatment
    3. Rehabilitation
    4. a and c
    5. a and b
  29. Agents such as vitamins, protein, fat etc. are an examples of;
    1. Physical Agents
    2. Nutritive Agents
    3. Chemical Agents
    4. All of the above
  30. Which of the following are key components of Epidemiological triangle,
    1. Host, Agent and Physical Environment
    2. Host, Genes and Physical Environment
    3. Host, Agent and Environment
    4. None of the above
  31. Tertiary prevention Does not includes;
    1. Disability limitation
    2. Prompt treatment
    3. Rehabilitation
    4. a and c
  32. Agents such as vitamins, protein, fat etc. are an examples of;
    1. Physical Agents
    2. Nutritive Agents
    3. Chemical Agents
    4. All of the above
  33. Which of the following are not key components of Epidemiological triangle,
    1. Host and Agent
    2. Host and Environment
    3. Host, Agent and Environment
    4. Time, Place and Person
  34. Which of the following is a part of continuum of natural history of the disease?
    1. Stage of health promotion
    2. Stage of prevention
    3. Stage of Recovery
    4. Stage of sampling
  35. Which of the following are also known as retrospective studies?
    1. Cohort studies
    2. Descriptive studies
    3. Experimental studies
    4. Case control studies
  36. A person who harbors the microorganisms of a disease and excretes them without self suffering from symptoms is called;
    1. Reservoir
    2. Carrier
    3. Host
    4. Agent
  37. The modes of transmission of infectious diseases are as follow EXCEPT;
    1. Direct
    2. Indirect
    3. Physiological
    4. Biological
  38. Total number of deaths reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
    1. death rate
    2. Crude death rate
    3. mortality rate
    4. proportional mortality
  39. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
    1. Birth Rate
    2. Growth Rate
    3. Crude Fertility rate
    4. Crude Birth Rate
  40. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated number of women age 15 to 44 years mid interval is known as;
    1. Crude Fertility Rate
    2. Birth Rate
    3. Growth Rate
    4. Sex ratio
  41. Number of current cases(new and old) of specified disease identified over a given time interval from estimated population at mid interval is called;
    1. Prevalence
    2. Period Prevalence
    3. Point Prevalence
    4. Disease Prevalence
  42. Use of statistics to analyze characteristics or changes to a population is termed as;
    1. population Pyramid
    2. vital statistics
    3. Population statistics
    4. Population dynamics
  43. Measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval is called;
    1. Crude death rate
    2. Mortality Rate
    3. Death ratio
    4. Mortality
  44. Public health surveillance DOES NOT consists on the following step;
    1. Systematic collection
    2. Analysis
    3. Planning
    4. Interpretation
  45. Surveillance system information cycles include;
    1. Family and community
    2. Public, Health care provider and Health agencies
    3. None of the above
    4. Public, Health care provider only
  46. A state of disorder that results from communication ONLY by direct contact is termed as;
    1. Infectious disease
    2. Contamination
    3. Epidemic
    4. Contagious disease
  47. Which of the following is NOT a basic measurement in epidemiology;
    1. Rate
    2. Nominator
    3. Ratio
    4. Proportion
  48. Measurement of current status of disease is termed as;
    1. Prevalence
    2. Incidence
    3. Cumulative Incidence
    4. Mid interval population
  49. The number of new cases occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time is called;
    1. Prevalence
    2. Incidence
    3. a and b
    4. Cumulative incidence
  50. Which of the following is also known as prospective study;
    1. Cohort studies
    2. Descriptive studies
    3. Experimental studies
    4. Case control studies
  51. Which of the following ratio provide us an estimate of risk in case control study;
    1. Odd ratio
    2. Sex ratio
    3. Disease ratio
    4. Dependency ratio
  52. The entire group of people or elements that have at least one thing is common is known as;
    1. Sample
    2. Parameter
    3. Hypothesis
    4. Population
  53. Sampling done on the basis of some pre determined ideas and its result can not be generalized is defined as follow;
    1. Snow ball sampling
    2. Purposive sampling
    3. Probability sampling
    4. Non-probability sampling
  54. Graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in population is known as;
    1. Dependency Ratio
    2. Age Ratio
    3. Population Pyramid
    4. Population Dynamics
  55. Ratio of population who are economically not active to those who are economically active can be defined as;
    1. Dependency Ratio
    2. Age Ratio
    3. Population Ratio
    4. Risk benefit ratio
  56. In which of the following sampling there is a minimum chance of bias and equally chances of being selected for study.
    1. Accidental Sampling
    2. Simple Random Sampling
    3. Purposive Sampling
    4. Snow ball Sampling
  57. In study if we are selecting every seventh subject it comes under which of the following sampling method?
    1. Stratified Sampling
    2. Quota Sampling
    3. Systematic Sampling
    4. Purposive Sampling
  58. Systematic errors produced by your sampling procedure is known as;
    1. Sampling bias
    2. Sampling errors
    3. Non sampling errors
    4. Random error
  59. The profile of single patient is reported in detail by one or more clinicians is called as follow;
    1. Case control study
    2. Case Series
    3. Investigation
    4. Case Report
  60. In which of the following study we compare one group among whom the problem is present and another group where problem is absent?
    1. Case control study
    2. Case Series
    3. Cohort study
    4. Case Report

Epidemiology MCQs

1. Which of the following is NOT a part of continuum of natural history of the disease?
a) Stage of Susceptibility
b) Stage of preclinical
c) Stage of prevention
d) Stage of recovery

2. Which of the following is also known as retrospective studies?
a) Cohort studies
b) Descriptive studies
c) Experimental studies
d) Case control studies

3. Total number of deaths reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
a) death rate
b) Crude death rate
c) mortality rate
d) proportional mortality

4. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
a) Birth Rate
b) Growth Rate
c) Crude Fertility rate
d) Crude Birth Rate

5. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated number of women age 15 to 44 years mid interval is known as;
a) Crude Fertility Rate
b) Birth Rate
c) Growth Rate
d) Sex ratio

6. Number of current cases(new and old) of specified disease identified over a given time interval from estimated population at mid interval is called;
a) Prevalence
b) Period Prevalence
c) Point Prevalence
d) Disease Prevalence

7. Use of statistics to analyze characteristics or changes to a population is termed as;
a) population Pyramid
b) vital statistics
c) Population statistics
d) Population dynamics


8. Which of the following term provides true representation of whole population?
a) Sampling
b) Random Sampling
c) Case reporting
d) Sample
9. Measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval is called;
a) Crude death rate
b) Mortality Rate
c) Death ratio
d) Mortality

10. Public health surveillance DOES NOT consists on the following step;
a) Systematic collection
b) Analysis
c) Planning
d) Interpretation

11. Surveillance system information cycles include;
a) Family and community
b) Public, Health care provider and Health agencies
c) None of the above
d) Public, Health care provider only

12. Epidemiology can be defined as follow EXCEPT;
a) Distribution of health related states
b) Community leaders and their family crises
c) Determinant of health related events
d) Apply to the control of health problems

13. A state of disorder that results from communication ONLY by direct contact is termed as;
a) Infectious disease
b) Contamination
c) Epidemic
d) Contagious disease

14. Which of the following is NOT a basic measurement in epidemiology;
a) Rate
b) Nominator
c) Ratio
d) Proportion

15. Which of the following is usually expressed as percentage;
a) Rate
b) Nominator
c) Ratio
d) Proportion


16. Measurement of disease, disability or death and converting this information in to rates and ratio is defined as;
a) Specificity
b) Screening
c) Frequency
d) Sensitivity

17. Measurement of current status of disease is termed as;
a) Prevalence
b) Incidence
c) Cumulative Incidence
d) Mid interval population

18. A person who harbors the microorganisms of a disease and excretes them without self suffering from symptoms is called;
a) Reservoir
b) Carrier
c) Host
d) Agent

19. The modes of transmission of infectious diseases are as follow EXCEPT;
a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) Physiological
d) Biological

20. The number of new cases occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time is called;
a) Prevalence
b) Incidence
c) a and b
d) Cumulative incidence

21. Epidemiological methods can be categorized as follow;
a) Descriptive, cohort and case control
b) Descriptive, cross sectional and experimental
c) Descriptive, prospective and experimental
d) Descriptive, Analytical and experimental

22. In descriptive epidemiology disease described in terms of;
a) What, Why and How
b) Host, Agent and Environment
c) Time, Place and Person
d) Agent, Place and Person

23. Which of the following is also known as prospective study;
a) Cohort studies
b) Descriptive studies
c) Experimental studies
d) Case control studies

24. In epidemiological triad environmental factors can be classified as;
a) Physical
b) Chemical
c) Social
d) Biological

25. Which of the following ratio provide us an estimate of risk in case control study;
a) Odd ratio
b) Sex ratio
c) Disease ratio
d) Dependency ratio

26. The entire group of people or elements that have at least one thing is common is known as;
a) Sample
b) Parameter
c) Hypothesis
d) Population

27. Sampling done on the basis of some pre determined ideas and its result can not be generalized is defined as follow;
a) Snow ball sampling
b) Purposive sampling
c) Probability sampling
d) Non-probability sampling

28. Tertiary prevention includes;
a) Disability limitation
b) Prompt treatment
c) Rehabilitation
d) a and c
e) a and b

29. Agents such as vitamins, protein, fat etc. are an examples of;
a) Physical Agents
b) Nutritive Agents
c) Chemical Agents
d) All of the above

30. Which of the following are key components of Epidemiological triangle,
a) Host, Agent and Physical Environment
b) Host, Genes and Physical Environment
c) Host, Agent and Environment
d) None of the above

31. Tertiary prevention Does not includes;
a) Disability limitation
b) Prompt treatment
c) Rehabilitation
d) a and c
32. Agents such as vitamins, protein, fat etc. are an examples of;
a) Physical Agents
b) Nutritive Agents
c) Chemical Agents
d) All of the above
33. Which of the following are not key components of Epidemiological triangle,
a) Host and Agent
b) Host and Environment
c) Host, Agent and Environment
d) Time, Place and Person
34. Which of the following is a part of continuum of natural history of the disease?
a) Stage of health promotion
b) Stage of prevention
c) Stage of Recovery
d) Stage of sampling
35. Which of the following are also known as retrospective studies?
a) Cohort studies
b) Descriptive studies
c) Experimental studies
d) Case control studies

36. A person who harbors the microorganisms of a disease and excretes them without self suffering from symptoms is called;
a) Reservoir
b) Carrier
c) Host
d) Agent
37. The modes of transmission of infectious diseases are as follow EXCEPT;
a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) Physiological
d) Biological

38. Total number of deaths reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
a) death rate
b) Crude death rate
c) mortality rate
d) proportional mortality
39. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated mid-interval population is called;
a) Birth Rate
b) Growth Rate
c) Crude Fertility rate
d) Crude Birth Rate
40. Number of live births reported during a given time interval from estimated number of women age 15 to 44 years mid interval is known as;
a) Crude Fertility Rate
b) Birth Rate
c) Growth Rate
d) Sex ratio

41. Number of current cases(new and old) of specified disease identified over a given time interval from estimated population at mid interval is called;
a) Prevalence
b) Period Prevalence
c) Point Prevalence
d) Disease Prevalence
42. Use of statistics to analyze characteristics or changes to a population is termed as;
a) population Pyramid
b) vital statistics
c) Population statistics
d) Population dynamics
43. Measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval is called;
a) Crude death rate
b) Mortality Rate
c) Death ratio
d) Mortality
44. Public health surveillance DOES NOT consists on the following step;
a) Systematic collection
b) Analysis
c) Planning
d) Interpretation
45. Surveillance system information cycles include;
a) Family and community
b) Public, Health care provider and Health agencies
c) None of the above
d) Public, Health care provider only

46. A state of disorder that results from communication ONLY by direct contact is termed as;
a) Infectious disease
b) Contamination
c) Epidemic
d) Contagious disease
47. Which of the following is NOT a basic measurement in epidemiology;
a) Rate
b) Nominator
c) Ratio
d) Proportion
48. Measurement of current status of disease is termed as;
a) Prevalence
b) Incidence
c) Cumulative Incidence
d) Mid interval population
49. The number of new cases occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time is called;
a) Prevalence
b) Incidence
c) a and b
d) Cumulative incidence
50. Which of the following is also known as prospective study;
a) Cohort studies
b) Descriptive studies
c) Experimental studies
d) Case control studies

51. Which of the following ratio provide us an estimate of risk in case control study;
a) Odd ratio
b) Sex ratio
c) Disease ratio
d) Dependency ratio
52. The entire group of people or elements that have at least one thing is common is known as;
a) Sample
b) Parameter
c) Hypothesis
d) Population
53. Sampling done on the basis of some pre determined ideas and its result can not be generalized is defined as follow;
a) Snow ball sampling
b) Purposive sampling
c) Probability sampling
d) Non-probability sampling

54. Graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in population is known as;
a) Dependency Ratio
b) Age Ratio
c) Population Pyramid
d) Population Dynamics
55. Ratio of population who are economically not active to those who are economically active can be defined as;
a) Dependency Ratio
b) Age Ratio
c) Population Ratio
d) Risk benefit ratio
56. In which of the following sampling there is a minimum chance of bias and equally chances of being selected for study.
a) Accidental Sampling
b) Simple Random Sampling
c) Purposive Sampling
d) Snow ball Sampling
57. In study if we are selecting every seventh subject it comes under which of the following sampling method?
a) Stratified Sampling
b) Quota Sampling
c) Systematic Sampling
d) Purposive Sampling
58. Systematic errors produced by your sampling procedure is known as;
a) Sampling bias
b) Sampling errors
c) Non sampling errors
d) Random error
59. The profile of single patient is reported in detail by one or more clinicians is called as follow;
a) Case control study
b) Case Series
c) Investigation
d) Case Report
60. In which of the following study we compare one group among whom the problem is present and another group where problem is absent?
a) Case control study
b) Case Series
c) Cohort study
d) Case Report

Answer key:
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. B

21. D
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. A
26. D
27. B
28. D
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. D
36. B
37. C
38. B
39. D
40. A
41. B
42. C
43. B
44. C
45. B
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. B
50. A
51. A
52. D
53. B
54. C
55. A
56. B
57. C
58. A
59. D
60. A

Why Muslims got a lot of loss in the battle of Uhad?

As it is clearly pointed out in the Surah Al-i Imran, verse 152 and 165, the reason why Muslims defeated in the battle of Uhud is because of archers leaving their flanks. Disobeying to the orders of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) immediately changed the course of the battle.

In addition, when we look at the defeat from the wisdom point of view, we come across with this verse: If a wound has touched you (at Uhud), (you know that) a similar wound touched those (disbelieving) people (at Badr). Such (historic eventful) days- We deal them out in turns among people so that God may mark out those who (truly) believe and select from among you such as bear witness to the truth (with their lives);- (it is a fact that) God does not love the wrongdoers (and in the end He punishes wrong and makes truth superior). (Al-i Imran Surah, 3:140) As it is stated in the verse, Allah Almighty; to test Muslims sincerity and commitment, to exalt Companions Hazrath Hamza and Musab bin Umayr to the palm of martyrdom whom among those believers and much other wisdom that we cannot know, referred the defeat to the Muslims.

Besides, Companions (of the past) were defeated by the Companions of the future. Among the idolaters were many people like Hazrath Khalid who in the future would be equal to the leading Companions of that time. Therefore, so as not to degrade them entirely in the view of the future, which for them would be glorious and honorable. Divine wisdom gave them in the past immediate recompense for their future good works and did not completely destroy their pride. (Flashes, 7. Flash)

The leader of the idolaters in the battle of Uhud, Abu Sufyan; main reason for the Muslim defeat, Khalid bin Valid and such so on started to become a Muslim after the Hudabia Treaty.

Explain the Madni life of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) in detail?

The Prophet’s entry into Madina ushers in a new phase for the divine message. Islam gaining fresh followers began to assert its strength and soon started to spread out over the four corners of the Arabian Peninsula.

In the previous chapters we have already noted that the Prophet was 53 years of age at the time of his auspicious migration. In Madina he spent the remaining 10 years of his life and it was here that other brilliant aspects of his immaculate personality became fully manifest. The divine call now entered a decisive stage and many important events took place in Madina, which eventually laid a firm foundation for the spread of Islam to the furthest reaches of the globe.

In 8 Hijra, 10,000 Muslim men were moving toward Mecca, which resulted in Victory of Mecca.

It can be seen Islam progressed rapidly when there was peace. As when there were wars – during 2 to 5 Hijra, Muslim rose from 300 to 1500 [or 3000] -Versus- during peaceful 6 to 8 Hijra, Muslim men rose to 10,000. So these events made the migration to Madinah a success. The blessings of Allah and prayers of Holy Prophet PBUH, vehement opposition by Meccans, acceptance by people in Madina, organized efforts, a Peace treaty with Meccans, and concentrated missionary work, were the causes, in short to say.

Write short notes on Bait-e-Rizwan, Mairaj, Messak-e-Madina

Write short notes on:

  1. Bait-e-Rizwan
  2. Mairaj
  3. Messak-e-Madina


Upon hearing the news of Usman’s death Holy Prophet sat down under a tree and said. “We are morally bound to avenge Usman’s blood and whosoever wants to participate in this should take oath for this on my hand that he would remain loyal till last.” All his companions took the oath placing their hands upon the hand of the Holy Prophet. Holy Prophet declaring his right hand to be the hand of Usman placing it on his other hand swore on behalf of Usman. This event is reported in the Holy Quran in these words:

“Verily those who give their hand to thee, In fact gave their hand to God, the Hand of’ God is over their hands, then anyone who violates his oath, does so to harm his own soul and who fulfills his covenant with God. God will soon grant him a great reward.”   (Sura Al fath: V, 10)

After this oath was taken information came in that the news of Usman’s death was not true.

After a long discussion of two days and two nights, Quraish sent a delegation led by Sohail Bin Umro to Hudaibiya to negotiate with Mohammad an agreement of non-aggression between Muslims and the people of Makka. Holy Prophet told Ali to prepare the document of the agreement.

Ali started writing. “In the Name of Allah the most Beneficent and Merciful.”

This agreement was made on the 7th year of Hegira (Migration of the Holy Prophet. All the Muslims present there were feeling disgraced and were depressed because of the terms and conditions of the agreement. Omar approached Holy Prophet and asked him. “Didn’t you say that we would go to Makka and perform pilgrimage?” Holy Prophet consoled him saying. “Indeed. God willing, you will go to Makka and have the opportunity of circumambulating Ka’aba.”



Miʿrāj, in Islam, the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad into heaven. In this tradition, Muhammad is prepared for his meeting with God by the archangels Jibrīl (Gabriel) and Mīkāl (Michael) one evening while he is asleep in the Kaʿbah, the sacred shrine of Mecca.

In the twelfth year of his mission, the Prophet made his night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and thence to heaven. His journey, known in history as Miraj (Ascension), was a real bodily one and not only a vision. It was at this time that Allah ordered the Muslims to pray the five daily prayers.

Almighty Allah has said: Glorified (and Exalted) be He (Allah) above all that (evil) they associate with Him, Who took His slave Muhammad for a journey by night from AlMasjid-al-Haram (at Makka) to the farthest mosque (in Jerusalem), the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him (Muhammad) of 0ur Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.). Verily He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.”



Constitution of Medina, document from early Islamic history based upon two agreements concluded between the clans of Medina and the Prophet Muhammad soon after the Hijrah (Latin: Hegira), or emigration, to Medina in AD 622.

After the migration of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Makka to Madina, there was significant political instability in Yathrib (Madina). After the culmination of war named “Buaath”, there was also a vacuum of leadership in Madina. Prophet (SAW) was a suitable and appropriate leader for the resident of Madina to fill the vacuum of leadership there. So after migration, the Holy Prophet (SAW) established a grand political coalition among all residents of Madina, (Ansaar, Muhajereen and Jews) to avoid war and settle differences in a peaceful manner. For this purpose a written agreement (Meesaq e Madina) was signed between the Muslims and Jews. This milestone document of Islamic history is considered as the first written constitution, wherein all stakeholders were given equal status and declared as ‘Ummat’. This accord provided a peaceful life to the residents of Madina alongside establishing credentials of a sagacious leader for the Holy Prophet.

Why Prophet (P.B.U.H) left Makkah and went to Madina? (Short note)

Prophet Muhammud had emigrated to Yathrib under the invitation of group of young men from one of the Arab tribes of Medina ( Aus or khazraj ) who met Prophet Muhummud P.B.U.H preaching at a trade fair at Mecca and immediately understood this was the last Messiah and Prophet that the Jews kept them threatening many times of using his leadership and belittling them in the future and so these Youth decided and dived into Islam right away within a hour of hearing Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H speech with no hesitation whatever of he being the last Prophet with his wonderful Quran verses . They did not wait to witness any miracles among the 100s of miracles of the Prophet that were already witnessed by the pagans of Mecca for the past 12 years. They did not stop with it but cut short their visit and returned to Yathrib and converted most of their tribes (about 70% ) to Islam and this was the time these quarelling two Arab groups of Aus and Khazraj came closer to each other with this great news and jointly invited Prophet P.B.U.H to Medina.

Prophet saws sent his first delegation of his about 7 – 10 companions the good memorizers of Quran to teach them Islam first. This was followed by a pledge at Aqaba by these two groups arriving near Mecca to Protect the Prophet at all cost even sacrificing their most loved ones as per Quran on the blessed hand of Prophet SAWS and other sahabas who were in great trouble under the attrocities of pagans started migrating to Yathrib in tiny groups and disguised but most of their wealth and belongings were confiscated.

As per the order of Allah Prophet Muhammud P.B.U.H awaited the permission of Allah ( unlike Prophet Jonah P.B.U.H who fled before the permission of Allah came and was swallowed by a Whale) to emigrate until the hot day when he visited at noon ( Aysha says she felt wierd that her fathers dearest friend Muhammud never visited their house during hot noon time and that too in disguised form, as noon was their normal resting time ) and gossiped to Abu Bakr RA that the Order of Allah has come to emigrate that night and get ready for the journey. So this was the night that about 10 Meccan pagans from each tribe surrounded Prophets house when he left his cousin Ali RA on his bed with also duty to deliver the valuables under his custody ( no wonder pagans titled Muhammud P.B.U.H Al Ameen -The Trustworthy though they did not like his Islam but loved his custodianship) and threw the sand on the wind that created a small sand storm ( a miracle as in Quran ) and walked away right in front of those a dozen thugs who were with swords to kill this single Trust worthy Messenger of Allah.

Conquest of Makkah

Conquest of Makkah is very important as it was won without any bloodshed. Makkah was very closed to the heart of Holy Prophet (SAW). Makkan people tortured him very much and Holy Prophet had to migrate to Madinah. There was one condition in the Treaty of Hudaibyah that Arab tribes living outside of Makkah are free to join Muslims and non-Muslims. Due to this condition, many tribes joined Muslims and non-Muslims. In 7th Hijrah, there were two tribes: Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza. Banu Bakr had the alliance with non-Muslims of Makkah and BanuKhuza had alliance with Muslims of Madinah. Banu Bakr attacked Banu Khuza without asking the permission of Makkah and killed Banu Khuza people and imprisoned some. This act was against the Treaty of Hudaibyah where it was said that tribes will not attack each other without consulting with their alliances. Banu Khuza was very active, and they didn’t show reaction because it can create fight. They sent the message to Holy Prophet (SAW) about the act of Banu Bakr. Holy Prophet (SAW) on the basis of the Treaty of Hudaibyah sent a message to Makkan people with four proposals.

  1. To pay the blood money for the victims of Banu Khuza
  2. Return all the goods and whatever they have captured
  3. Release all prisoners who are arrested
  4. Keep and take care for the sacred agreement

When Makkan people received the message of Holy Prophet (SAW), they straightly refused and said that they will reject first three proposals, and they are not bothered with this proposal. After receiving this message, Holy Prophet (SAW) consulted with his companions and they said that it is their duty now to attack Makkan people as they violated the agreement and betrayed them. Holy Prophet (SAW) again sent three proposals to rethink about their decisions and scared position of treaty. But Makkan people again refused it. It was 8th Hijrah. The words of Holy Prophet (SAW) became true that Treaty of Hudaibyah will be the basis of victory of Makkah. Holy Prophet (SAW) prepared for an army of 10,000 soldiers and they started to march towards Makkah. The position of Makkans was not same as before 10 years. All the soldiers of Makkah climbed the mountains. Abu Sufyan, who realized that Holy Prophet (SAW) is a true prophet by witnessing their defeat from small number of Muslims and miracles of Holy Prophet (SAW), he felt an urge to accept Islam. When Holy Prophet (SAW) with his army reached the hallway, Abu Sufyan met Holy Prophet (SAW) to ask forgiveness and to accept Islam. Holy Prophet (SAW) was very happy and gave him respect as a prominent leader of Makkah has come to accept Islam. Holy Prophet (SAW) called his army and issued following instructions to His army before entering Makkah.

  1. Do not attack and kill ladies, children, old people, and religious leaders.
  2. Anybody who surrender should not be killed
  3. Don’t kill the person who take refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan (RA)
  4. Those who take refuge in Kaaba should not be killed
  5. The person who run would not be killed
  6. Those who close their house door should not be killed

The army of Holy Prophet (SAW) reached Makkah and Holy Prophet (SAW) thanked Allah and performed two rakat Nawafil, he performed umrah and he entered Kaaba and removed 360 idols and he recited following verse:

Truth has come and falsehood removed and falsehood should be removed [17:81]

Holy Prophet (SAW) came outside of Kaaba and asked his army to call Makkan people in front of him. He said them that what they expect from him and what should He do. Everyone thought that Holy Prophet (SAW) will take revenge and kill them. Holy Prophet (SAW) said that he will do the same thing which Hazarat Yousaf (AS) did with his brothers. He said,

May Allah pardon you, you are free today and there is no burden on you today

Everyone was amazed that Holy Prophet (SAW) forgave them so easily even though they tortured him very badly. This forgiveness put a great impact on them. This victory in the history of Islam is known as the victory without the bloodshed with the help of Allah and his Prophet (SAW) and this was the first conquest in the history that Holy Prophet (SAW) left without leaving a single soldier in conquered city and returned back to Madinah and the conquest of Makkah was completed.

Health Advantages of Sex

Sex is a vital part of your life.

Sex and sexuality are natural parts of existence. Aside from reproduction, sex may be about closeness and pleasure. Sexual activity, also known as penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) or masturbation, can provide numerous unexpected advantages to many aspects of your life:

  • physical
  • intellectual
  • emotional
  • psychological
  • social

Sexual health is more than just preventing illnesses and unexpected pregnancies. According to the American Sexual Health Association, it is also about accepting that sex may be an essential part of your life.

How does sex help your body?

This study reveals that sex can be beneficial to cardiovascular health in young men and women. Though sex isn’t sufficient exercise in and of itself, it can be called mild exercise.

Sex may provide you with a variety of advantages, including:

  • blood pressure lowering
  • calorie consumption
  • improving heart health and muscular strength lowering your chances of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension
  • enhancing libido

People who are sexually active tend to exercise more regularly and eat healthier than those who are less sexually active. Physical fitness may also increase overall sexual performance.

9 strategies to boost your sexual performance:

Healthy immune system

Persons who had regular intercourse (one to two times per week) had higher immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their saliva, according to a research of immunity in people in romantic relationships. People who had sex seldom (less than once a week) had considerably lower IgA levels.

IgA is an antibody that plays a role in disease prevention and is the first line of defence against human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Those who had sex more than three times per week, on the other hand, had the same amount of IgA as those who had infrequent sex. According to the study, worry and stress may wipe out the favourable impacts of sex.

better sleep

During an orgasm, your body produces oxytocin, generally known as the “love” or “intimacy” hormone, as well as endorphins. Sedation can result from the combination of these hormones.

Better sleep can help with:

  • a more powerful immune system
  • a higher life expectancy,
  • feeling more relaxed, and
  • having more energy during the day

Relief from headaches

According to another study, sexual activity can offer complete or partial relief from migraines and cluster headaches.

Among those who were sexually active at the time of their attacks:

  • During a migraine, 60% experienced an improvement.
  • During a migraine, 70% experienced moderate to total relief.
  • 37 percent reported relief in cluster headache symptoms.
  • 90% received moderate to total relief from cluster headaches.

How sex helps both males and females?

In males

According to a recent study, males who had more frequent penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) had a lower chance of acquiring prostate cancer.

According to one study, males who had 4.6 to 7 ejaculations each week were 36% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 70. In contrast, men reported ejaculating 2.3 or less times each week on average.

Sex may potentially alter men’s mortality. One 10-year research found that males who had frequent orgasms (defined as two or more per week) had a 50% lower mortality risk than those who had sex less often.

Although the evidence is mixed, more sexual activity may improve the quality and health of your sperm, according to some studies.

In Females:

An orgasm stimulates blood flow and produces natural pain-relieving substances.

Sexual activity in women can:

  • enhance bladder control
  • ease menstruation and premenstrual cramps
  • boost fertility
  • create stronger pelvic muscles
  • assist generate more vaginal lubrication
  • may protect you against endometriosis, or the growth of tissue outside the uterus

Sex can help strengthen your pelvic floor. A stronger pelvic floor can also provide benefits such as decreased discomfort during sex and a lower risk of vaginal prolapse. According to one source, PVI can result in reflexive vaginal contractions triggered by penile thrusting.

Women who remain sexually active after menopause are less likely to get substantial vaginal atrophy, or weakening of the vaginal walls. Pain during sex and urinary symptoms might be caused by vaginal atrophy.

How does sex help your mental health?

Sexual activity, whether with a partner or masturbation, can have significant psychological and emotional advantages. Sex, like exercise, can help relieve stress and anxiety while increasing enjoyment.

According to research, sexual activity (classified as PVI) may be related to:

  • higher pleasure with your mental health
  • enhanced trust, closeness, and love in your relationships
  • better capacity to sense, recognise, and express emotions
  • reduced utilisation of your immature psychological defence system, or mental processes to decrease emotional conflict suffering`

Sexual activity may have an impact on your well-being and capacity to think as you become older. According to research, sexually active persons aged 50 to 90 had stronger memory. They were also less prone to experience depression and loneliness.

Booster of self-esteem

Sexual activity on a regular basis, whether with a partner or alone, might make you seem younger. This is attributed, in part, to the production of oestrogen during intercourse.

One study discovered a link between regular sexual activity and seeming much younger (between seven to 12 years younger). The majority of these people were likewise at ease with expressing their sexuality and sexual identity.

Social advantages

Because of oxytocin, sex can help you bond with your spouse. Oxytocin can help people form connections. You may discover that frequent, reciprocal sexual enjoyment aids in interpersonal connection.

When couples meet one other’s sexual urges, they generally report higher levels of relationship satisfaction. When you are able to communicate yourself and your sexual wants, you may notice great progress in your relationship.

What are the advantages to masturbation?

Masturbation can provide many of the same benefits as sex, but it also has its own set of benefits, which include:

  • improved sex between partners
  • better awareness of your own body
  • higher orgasmic capacity
  • improved self-esteem and body image
  • more sexual pleasure
  • therapy for sexual problems

Masturbation is regarded completely harmless and has little health hazards. There is no danger of pregnancy or sexually transmitted illnesses when done alone (STIs). According to Planned Parenthood, it improves mental health rather than mental disease or instability, as some misconceptions indicate.

Abstinence and celibacy

Sex isn’t the only factor that influences one’s health or happiness. You may live an active and happy life without having sex. The advantages of sex stem from the sensation of pleasure, which studies have shown may also be obtained by listening to music, interacting with pets, and having a strong religious beliefs. According to the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, a long-term study of nuns found that many of them lived into their 90s and beyond.


Sex is an essential component of existence and total well-being. Orgasms play an important role in romantic bonding. Sex can provide physical and mental advantages such as lower risk of heart disease, increased self-esteem, and more.

You can have identical results without intercourse. Other enjoyable activities, such as exercising, engaging with a pet, and maintaining a strong social network, may provide similar advantages. Sex is only one strategy to improve your overall quality of life.

However, whether sex is a part of your life because of a relationship or desire, it is critical that you be able to communicate and enjoy sexual fulfilment. When you make time for sex, you may discover relaxation and an increase in happiness.